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Groundbreaking is the second episode in the first season of the Living Stargate series published by Wyvern Gaming for the Stargate Roleplaying Game.

Publisher's Synopsis[]

As part of a Phoenix Site team, you have been pushed hard during your training and missions. With a much needed rest and relaxation in the local town of Haven, you come upon a dispute about water rights, as the river is low. Can you settle the dispute, and resolve the issues before catastrophe ensues? A three-hour episode for level 1-4 characters of the Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game.

Chronological Placement[]

The events of Watershed start on August 17 2002, directly following the events seen in Stargate SG-1 "Cure".





Organizations and titles[]

Sentient species[]

Vehicles and vessels[]

Weapons and technology[]



Links and navigation[]

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Roleplaying books
Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying GameFantastic Frontiers: Stargate Season 1Living Gods: Stargate System LordsFriends and Foes: Stargate Season 2First StepsOne Toe In The WaterOutbreakThe Herilian Agenda
Stargate Roleplaying Game Stargate Roleplaying Game: Core RulebookGroundbreakingWatershedA Matter of FaeField of ReedsWhere Giants TreadPreyIn RuinsAve MariaPerfidyKnowledge is PowerUnitedFuryRise of the PhoenixBirthplaceEcologyMechanicusRunThe Eyes of the StormCatastrophe
Unpublished The Stargate SG-1 Adventure GameFallout: Stargate Season 3