
The Wanderer was an orbital colony which was retrofitted with a hyperdrive and used by the Pack.


Formerly an O'Neill-type orbital colony, Wanderer was outfitted with a hyperdrive to escape its home system. Over the years, it fused together with ships of different species that were also fleeing the Goa'uld. Wanderer then took the aspect of an oblate junkyard-like asteroidical moon, with crater-like features being lit with brilliant, city-like clusters of color, and dozens of towering black spines extending from it in all directions. Around the construct there were groups of more recognizable vessels, such as ha'taks, that ranged in shape from winged lifting bodies suitable for atmospheric transit to oddly proportionated ships made from collections of saucers and rods.

The inner environment of Wanderer also variated. In the habitable area, Wanderer was actually incredibly Earth-like. The inhabited area of Wanderer looked like parkland, covered in grasslands along with shallow, rolling hills, oval lakes, patchworks of farmland and clusters of buildings that were bright white stone in the even daylight. Daniel Jackson compared this environment to Earth's African veldt, a massive savannah that extended all the way to the horizon. (SG1: "Relativity")



The ship was formerly an orbital colony in the Calai system which was retrofitted with a hyperdrive by the native Calaians when Heru'ur began a campaign of subjugation targeting their home system. After fleeing the system, the residents started to attract members of many other cultures and added their ships onto the Wanderer, including at least two ha'tak's which had formerly been owned by the Goa'uld Khepera, and started to call themselves the Pack. Parts of the crew have spent half their life on board the ship. In 2004 in a battle in the orbit of Kytos the Aschen bioweapon made the ship uninhabitable. The ship was then guided to one of Kytos' twin suns. (SG1: "Relativity")
