
The Volsinii are a race of humans from P7J-989.


Sometime in the distant past, the Goa'uld brought the Volsinii to their current home world from Earth. The earliest legends talk about Karun, the dark god of the underworld, and how he took them from their home planet in the " Eye of the Underworld" to work in his cities as slaves. No one knew the cause of the colony on P7J-989, but considering the planet's lack of resources or strategic importance, it is more likely that Karun used it for research. Styling himself after the Etruscan god of the dead, the Goa'uld ruled over them for centuries. Finally, a large "War of Gods" resulted in his overthrow. It is not known if the Volsinii liberated themselves or another rival System Lord made war with Karun, but evidence suggests the latter. Whatever the cause, the energies unleashed in the fight destroyed everything within a hundred kilometers of the Karun city, rendering the world unusable and causing the surviving Goa'uld to abandon it to its fate. The survivors buried the "Eye of the Underworld", and built new lives for themselves.

1022 years after Karun's Shroud over the planet vanish, the Volsinii had reentered, most of them left the safety dome and started building a new town nearby, using the Keeper and SGC . The new community, Nuvelzna (New Velzna) is named after their first capital, that was destroyed in the War of the Gods. The construction is a series of domes that blend woods and gardens in a harmony that makes even the Keeper happy. (RPG: "Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two") (SG1: "The Gamekeeper")

The Volsinii became allies with Tau'ri and gave them a virtual reality pod to do research on. (SG1: "Avatar")


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Individuals Ramtha Cainei LeprnaResident 1Resident 2
Planets P7J-989
Technology Karun's ashKeeperVirtual reality pod
Terms Karun's ShroudVolsinii language