
Volia, designated P3A-194 by Stargate Command, was a planet in the Milky Way galaxy and a member of the Aschen Confederation, which held a Stargate and was the homeworld of the Volians. When the Aschen arrived about 200 years ago and stealthily wiped out the original Volians, they transformed the planet into a major farmland. (SG1: "2001")


Volian city

An old Volian city.

Following the uprising of the Volians, the Aschen terraformed the surface of Volia, turning the urban cities into massive underground caverns and support structures for farmland above. Volia is now used for agricultural purposes by Aschen Harvesters which collect the fruits of the land for transport through the Stargate back to Aschen Prime. On a galactic scale, Volia is relatively in close proximity to the Aschen homeworld. (SG1: "2001")

Ever since first contact, the planet has been declared off limits for the SGC. (RPG: "Roleplaying Game")

Links and navigation[]

v  e
Individuals Keel
Planets Volia
Terms Volian UnionVolian language
v  e
Individuals Aschen DoctorBorrenKloremMirrisMollem
Planets Aschen PrimeVolia
Technology Anti-aging vaccineAschen bioweaponAschen droneAschen warshipBiogenic weaponBlightDefense droneHarvesterAschen hologramAschen medicineAschen monitoring satelliteRepulsor-field generatorAschen spaceshipStealth landerAschen transporter
Terms Aschen ConfederationAschen language