
"We're lucky that staff blast hit you where it did. The new vest insert works well."
Major Sam Carter[src]

The Vest insert was invented by Dr. Bill Lee of Stargate Command.


It is a flexible plastic-like substance that could be fitted into the Tactical vests worn by SG teams that could prevent death after being hit by a Goa'uld Staff weapon. The insert's material had to be strong enough to withstand not only the impact of the blast but also the intense heat caused by the blast. (SG1: "Heroes, Part 1")


In 2004, Dr. Bill Lee explained and showed off the inserts to Emmett Bregman, and Sylvester Siler demonstrated it by being shot by Teal'c while wearing a vest. (SG1: "Heroes, Part 1")

These inserts replaced the "Ballistic inserts" used in SGC vests with one even saving the life of Colonel Jack O'Neill when he was struck by a staff weapon blast while he, his team, SG-1 and SG-5 as well as SG-7 were engaging in a vicious fight against Jaffa troops, the SGC teams having been deployed to rescue SG-13. (SG1: "Heroes, Part 1", "Heroes, Part 2")


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