The Velociraptor, also referred to as a Raptor, was a type of bipedal dinosaur. They would hunt in small packs and use their keen instincts to track food, outmaneuver victims and lay traps. (RPG: "Core Rulebook", SGA: "Blood Ties")
The Atlantis expedition came across an intelligent raptor species that Teyla Emmagan was able to mentally communicate with. (SGA: "Blood Ties")
The planet Boreas had a large raptor species. Phoenix-1 observed several of the predators. The presence of a mammoth that Kulera befriended kept the raptors at bay. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")
The Vambesk, a type of creature on P6H-970, were described as something akin to a nightmarish horned velociraptor. (RPG: "A Matter of Fae")
A raptor was speculated to have brought down a UAV on the planet Abzu. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")
The movie Jurassic Park had raptors in it. (SGA: "Blood Ties")