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Vash was a female Karran, a member of the Human population of Karra.


Vash was the daughter of Sharna.

In 2004, when the Atlantis expedition visited her planet, she was selected as one of five Honored Ones for the Wraithfall ceremony, along with Arno, Dakh and two others. Vash was the second to be given a holy medallion of Karra and was culled by a Wraith Dart. (SGA: "Wraithfall 1")

She was taken to Karra's neighbor planet, Vohl's experimental laboratory, where she was placed in a Wraith needle chamber to be tortured in a way to make her life force tasty to the Wraith. (SGA: "Wraithfall 2")

The Wraith killed her and her fellow Karran honored ones. (SGA: "Wraithfall 3")

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Individuals DakhArnoVashJayekSharna
Planets Karra
Terms Honored OneWraithfallHoly medallion of Karra