This Unnamed galaxy, located several billion light years from Earth, is the second encountered by the Destiny expedition since their arrival on the Ancient ship Destiny.
Shortly after departing the previous galaxy, Destiny's Faster-Than-Light engine was sabotaged and the ship was adrift. After bypassing the damage and surviving yet another attack from members of the Nakai, Destiny crossed the void to the second galaxy. (SGU: "Sabotage")
The galaxy itself is patrolled by a force of Drones consisting of Berzerker drones and Control Ships that oversee the drones. The Ursini were at war with them until they were wiped out. Other inhabitants of the galaxy include the People of Novus, descendents of the Destiny expedition who were sent back in time 2,000 years ago. The Novans developed into an advanced civilization, founding several colonies. (SGU: "Resurgence", "Common Descent", "Epilogue", "Blockade")
The drone's task of eliminating any technology, save themselves, eventually forces the crew of the Destiny, having traversed only a third of the galaxy, to abort the trip. Instead, the ship is programmed to exit the galaxy and proceed to the next while the crew is in stasis pods, a journey that will take approximately three years. (SGU: "Gauntlet")
Known star systems and planets[]
- Unnamed planet where alien ticks were picked up by off-world team. (SGU: "Pain")
- Unnamed planet (SGU: "Pain")
- Binary pulsar system (SGU: "Incursion, Part 1", "Incursion, Part 2")
- Unnamed planet where the Destiny expedition was dropped off by the Lucian Alliance (SGU: "Intervention")
- Unnamed planet where the shuttle crashed. (SGU: "Aftermath")
- Unnamed planet which Destiny orbited for a short time after dropping from FTL. (SGU: "Pathogen")
- Unnamed planet where Lt. Matthew Scott was infected by an Alien plant. (SGU: "Cloverdale")
- Unnamed planet where Simeon escaped to. (SGU: "Malice")
- Unnamed planet where Ginn was buried. (SGU: "Hope")
- Unnamed Star where Destiny and a Seed ship recharged. (SGU: "Resurgence")
- Ursini colony, a planet, where a group of Ursini lived. Now the planet is uninhabited, after a Control Ship and her Berzerker drones destroyed all the population. (SGU: "Resurgence")
- Unnamed Star where Destiny attempted to dial Earth. (SGU: "Twin Destinies")
- Unnamed planet where "Space deers" and large predators live. (SGU: "The Hunt")
- Novus, now forsaken planet where descendants of alternate Destiny expedition live. (SGU: "Common Descent", "Epilogue")
- Novus colony off-world colony of Novus. (SGU: "Common Descent")
- Unnamed planet where the alternate expedition first landed before moving to Novus. (SGU: "Epilogue")
- Novus colony where the crew waited out Destiny recharging in a blue giant. (SGU: "Blockade")
- Unnamed Star where Destiny recharged. (SGU: "Blockade")
- Unnamed planet where the crew gathered supplies with the Ancient shuttle. (SGU: "Gauntlet")
- Unnamed planet where the crew gathered meteorites with palladium hydride in order to fix Destiny's stasis pods. (SGU: "Gauntlet")
Known races[]
Sentient races[]
Non sentient races (suspected):[]
Appearances for Unnamed galaxy (Pain) |
In chronological order:
- This galaxy is represented by a photo of the real life Bode's Galaxy. As with the previous galaxy visited by Destiny, the photograph was mirrored when used on the show.