
This race has no known canonical name.  While the information presented in this article is canonical, the people/beings described lack an official name, thus the title is conjecture.

An Unknown race of cat-humanoids once lived on the planet Khlem in the Milky Way galaxy.[1]

The Goa'uld Bastet found the world abandoned by them and saw it as a sign. She used the world to train and breed her variety of big cats as pets as well as train her Jaffa. Later on, the planet later fell under liberated Jaffa control after a civil war.[1]

It became a rumor that the unknown race once lived on Khlem thousands of years prior.[2]

A few murals and statues remained scattered throughout Khlem in relatively good condition.[2] For example, the courtyard in the temple in the middle of the town of Khlem[1] contained an ornate water fountain with cat-humanoid statues.[3] (RPG: "Catastrophe")


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 (RPG: "Catastrophe") p. 5
  2. 2.0 2.1 (RPG: "Catastrophe") p. 12
  3. (RPG: "Catastrophe") p. 8