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The Department of Homeland Security is the United States of America federal executive department responsible for public security.


Lt. Colonel John Sheppard's ex-wife Nancy Sheppard worked for Homeland Security. (SGA: "Outcast")

Known employees[]

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United States government
United States Armed Forces United States Air ForceUnited States ArmyUnited States Marine CorpsUnited States National GuardUnited States Navy
United States government agencies Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and FirearmsCenters for Disease Control and PreventionCentral Intelligence AgencyFederal Bureau of InvestigationFood and Drug AdministrationNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNational Intelligence DepartmentNational Security AgencyUnited States Army Corps of EngineersUnited States CongressUnited States Department of DefenseUnited States Department of Homeland SecurityUnited States Department of StateUnited States House of RepresentativesUnited States Merchant MarineUnited States Secret ServiceUnited States SenateU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Terms ConstitutionPresident of the United StatesSecretary of DefenseSecretary of the InteriorSenatorUS RepresentativeVice President of the United States