United is the eleventh episode in the first season of the Living Stargate series published by Wyvern Gaming for the Stargate Roleplaying Game.
Publisher's Synopsis[]
While on a standard off-world mission, your team receives word that Wepwawet's forces are rapidly approaching Phoenix Site! With only a limited amount of time, it's up to your team to secure the base. But you can't do it alone; you're going to need all the help that you can get - and it's no easy task to bring your allies together to stand united against your foe!
- Apophis (Mentioned)
- Airman Sarah Aronow
- Major Jared Bell
- Bet'lo
- Bowjin
- Dr. Jason Burg
- Em'lyn
- Ershun (Mentioned)
- Dr. Anastasia Garcia
- Ambassador Hatana
- Heim
- Heru'ur (Mentioned)
- Ambassador Ashlee Kelly
- Living Artifact
- General Philip Kevin Loyer
- Couran Meera
- Puck
- Major Abraham Ross
- Thaplos
- Tiana
- Tomek
- Tomek's father
- System Lord Wepwawet (Mentioned)
- Zirstyr (Mentioned)
- Delta Site (Mentioned)
- Phoenix planet
- PX3-812
- PX4-461
- Unnamed planet (In Ruins) (Mentioned)
Organizations and titles[]
Sentient species[]
Vehicles and vessels[]
Weapons and technology[]
- Ancient energy converter
- Ancient supercomputer
- Aturen armor
- Crossbow
- Crystal
- Crystal skull (Mentioned)
- FN P90 Personal Defense Weapon
- Goa'uld sensors (Mentioned)
- Iris
- Jade Skull
- Jaffa armor
- Jaffa helmet
- Ma'Tok staff
- Medkit
- Naquadah generator
- Polearm
- Radar (Mentioned)
- Radio
- Tactical vest
- Zat'nik'tel
- United on the Stargate Roleplaying Game website.