
The Tunguska Ha'tak was a Goa'uld Ha'tak which found Earth in 1908 and was destroyed on the planet.


After Ra's abandonment of Earth, the planet's and its inhabitants existence were forgotten, leaving the Tau'ri to develop freely. However, a Ha'tak, somehow, found the planet on June 30 1908.

However, apparently before the crewmembers can descend to the planet, the ship suffered an unexpected attack. The responsible are SG-1, but by accident: simply, Brigadier General Jack O'Neill with Vala Mal Doran had used the Ancient Time Jumper to rescue the SG-1 who had been stranded in the time, and rescue An, an Asgard scientist who had been left in the past by Loki, but due to a malfunction, after completing their mission, were forced to go back in time again to avoid falling. Their jump made them accidentally to ram the Ha'tak, who suffered crippling damage, and began falling to Earth.

The Ha'tak's explosion, more powerful than a nuclear warhead, happened before the ship can reach the ground, causing the Tunguska Event, and as impacted in a Siberian remote region, barely caused casualties. (SG1: "Roswell")

Major campaigns[]

  • Tunguska Event

Links and navigation[]

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Amun's Ha'takAnateo's Ha'takAnubis' Ha'takApophis' Ha'takAres' Ha'takBa'al's Ha'takBadb's Ha'takBra'tac's Ha'takCha'ra's Ha'takCronus' Ha'takGerak's Ha'takHecate's Ha'takHeru'ur's Ha'takKhonsu's Ha'takKiva's Ha'taksKlorel's Ha'takNetan's Ha'takNirrti's Ha'takSekhmet's Ha'takSokar's Ha'takSvarog's Ha'takTanith's Ha'takTeal'c's Ha'takTenat's Ha'takTunguska Ha'takYat'Yir's Ha'takYu-huang Shang Ti's Ha'takZipacna's Ha'tak