
The title of this article is conjectural. While the information presented in this article is canonical, the article subject lacks an official name, thus the title is a conjecture.

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"Rodney and I are heading to the mainland to catch a fish that seems to be just like a trout."
Carson Beckett[src]

This trout-like fish is a type of fish residing near Lantea's mainland and was similar to trout found on Earth. In 2007, Dr. Carson Beckett was thinking of going fishing on the mainland with Rodney McKay, but his plans ultimately fell through. (SGA: "Sunday") Due to the absence of Atlantis, this species (along with all other life on Lantea) will go extinct in approximately 15,000 years when the next coronal mass ejection hits the planet.

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Alien Animals Abydonian lizardAlien creature (Cloverdale)Alligator-like creatureAquatic intelligent species • ‏‎BiljaghBug PeopleCarnivorous creatureDinosaurDinosaur-like creature (The Siege, Part 1)Dinosaur-like creature (Lost)DonkeyDragonDragon SerpentFenriFlagisallusFlying creature (New Ground)Flying monkeyGiant ratGiant SquirrelGiratablulluhGoat-dogGoat-like creatureGrumgizHidoman squidHidoman tree-ratHou Kaingan oysterInterdimensional parasiteJelly GopherKadaivaKalydonian beastKusarikkuLoden birdLobster-like crustaceanMar'kakMastadgeMlularukaMpisimbiMusiMutant-raccoonMutated CreatureNasty creatureNovus mammalPa'tashParvan black jackalPlant PredatorProto-crocPukaRac'taSand catShadow creatureSix-legged water buffaloSkarkSnake-like creatureSpace bisonSpace deerSquigglerThe BeastTrakeelTravoraTrimodian BoarTrout-like fishTuna-shrimpTundra beastTyranno FelixUgalluUnknown animal (Need)Unknown animal (Urgo)VambeskWaska monkey
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