
Theft is the crime of stealing.


In Jaffa culture, it was considered sacrilege to steal from the Sepulchre. During SG-1's Return to Chulak in 1997, Captain Sam Carter and Dr. Daniel Jackson stole a larvae Goa'uld symbiote from an incubation tank in Chulak's Sepulchre. (SG1: "Bloodlines")

In 1998, Rogue NID stole the Touchstone from Madronans. (SG1: "Touchstone")

In 2000, the Asgard, Tollan and Nox almost severed all ties to the Tau'ri due to the theft of their technology, which was perpetrated by the Rogue NID. (SG1: "Shades of Grey")


Appearances for Theft

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Crime and Punishment
AsylumCor-aiCoup d'etatCourt-martialDeath penaltyExtraction CeremonyGenocideHeresyJudgeKidnappingMal DoranMartial lawMurderPardonPecca-veRapeSlaveryTaldorTheftTortureTreasonTriadTrialValaway