The Lord of the Rings is a book, turned into a series of movies. Dr. Bill Lee is a self-confessed fan of it.
When The Trust infiltrated Atlantis and rigged the Zero Point Module to overload the next time that the city dialed Earth in 2005, Lee and a team planned to send a team to P4M-399, which would send a subspace communication to the Daedalus, who would then relay the warning to Atlantis. Lee cited the signal fires through the mountain tops of the saga's third movie as a comparisons. This was Lee's second choice as his first pop culture referent - the "Twilight Bark" from 101 Dalmatians - proved too obscure (or probably too passé) for the Air Force personnel in attendance. (SGA: "Critical Mass")
In 2008, while hunting Poole's Replicator, Lee suggested to send it to the "fires from whence it came", which was a phrase from the movies. (SGA: "Outcast")