
Template:Universe-2 "The Hunt" is the upcoming sixteenth episode in the second season of Stargate Universe, and the 36th episode overall.


Members of the crew are taken captive by an alien creature while exploring a planet.


A small group has gone to an alien planet. While there, Ronald Greer and Matthew Scott contemplate killing some of the native deer-like creatures so they can have some meat. Lisa Park, a vegetarian, objects, citing that the creatures may be intelligent. Scott is doubtful, having witnessed one eat its own vomit. Greer agrees not to shoot one if it can provide a good reason not to, but doesn't seem to think it will. As Greer and Scott close in on a pair, Greer prepares to shoot, but hesitates. When he tries to aim again, they scatter. Moments later, a large roar erupts from the forest. Greer and Scott track it with a Kino, only to be ambushed by a large animal. It knocks Scott down first. Though Greer has time to shoot, he hesitates once again, allowing the creature to knock him aside.

On Destiny, Young reviews the footage with Greer, Scott, and Vanessa James. They explain that the creature headed for the camp after attacking them, kidnapping Tamara Johansen and Reynolds. Young decides to lead the team that will rescue them, leaving Scott in charge. As they gear up, he pulls Greer aside to discuss his hesitation. Greer insists that he'll be fine, but Young warns him that he'll need to work out the problem if it was more than a moment of indecision.

Eli Wallace is busy going through the boxes in storage. Adam Brody comes in to get him, as Nicholas Rush wishes to explore some of the unexplored sections. Eli is annoyed that they aren't actually doing much exploring, just opening the rooms and moving on. Brody assumes Rush is just being cautious after having his mind trapped in the ship's computer. They meet Rush at the door to the next section. Eli assumes it will just be more boxes, but it turns out to be a row of stasis pods. Rush intends to run further diagnostics from the bridge rather than just checking them out immediately.

On the planet, the team is having little luck tracking the creature. Young suggests they double back to pick up the trail, but Greer wants to press forward, assuming they'll find it again. Young advises Greer not to let his guilt from failing to stop the creature the first time affect his judgement.

TJ and Reynolds wake up in the creature's lair. Reynolds' leg is broken, preventing him from walking. Reynolds wonders why it didn't kill them. As she surveys the cave, TJ finds a pile of bones, realizing that the creature merely intends to eat them later.

Varro offers to help track the creature, citing the experience of himself and the other Alliance members in hunting game. Scott agrees and dispatches them to the planet. Prior to meeting up with Young's group, they stop by the camp, confirming the TJ and Reynolds were taken alive.

On Destiny, Dale Volker checks on Park, whose rib was cracked by the creature. He asks if anything can be done, but Chloe Armstrong, speaking from personal experience, explains that it will heal on its own in a month. Picking up on Volker's awkwardness during the conversation, she later asks him how long he's had feelings for Park. Volker tries, unconvincingly, to cliam it's platonic.

Fed up with waiting, Eli decides to check on the stasis pods. Brody follows him. As they work, Eli expresses his annoyance at Rush being their de facto leader, wishing he had more freedom in his work. Concurrently, Rush is running a diagnostic on one of the pods from the bridge. Brody, who is working on the pod from the inside, finds himself trapped when it suddenly activates. Eli is unable to shut it off.

On the planet, the Alliance team picks up the creature's trail with ease. Along the way, James confronts Greer about his hesitation. He admits that, during his surgery, there was a moment where he thought he had died, and the thought of that has been consuming him. James assures him that it was just an effect of the drugs, and that he can move past it. As they move forward, the tracks suddenly stop. Before they can figure out why, the creature attacks. Greer tries to chase it, but Varro stops him, aware that it is trying to divide them up so they'll be easier to kill. James' shoulder is dislocated and Young gets a severe cut. Varro tells Young to return to Destiny, as in his state his presence would do more harm than good. Young makes Varro promise to save TJ before departing with James.

Volker brings Park some food from the mess hall. Rush comes in to retrieve some equations Park was working on. Volker protests making her work while injured, but Park explains that she asked for it so she'd have something to do. Rush reminds Volker of his shift on the bridge.

Eli is still working on freeing Brody, but has had no luck. Rush calls in, since he and Brody are supposed to be in the control interface room running diagnostics. Eli claims to be in the mess hall with Brody and assures him they'll be done soon. Meanwhile, on the bridge, Volker shows up, having finished his visit with Park. Rush has noticed his feelings for her, too, which Volker again dismisses as platonic. Rush extrapolates on this, noting that Volker is the type to be the trusted friend, rather than the romantic interest.

Varro and his team lay mines down to kill the creature when it attacks again. Despite Greer's doubts, the creature takes the bait, running into the mines at full speed. Unfortunately, just as they start to celebrate their victory, more creatures kill the rest of Varro's team, leaving only himself and Greer.

Eli brings Chloe in to examine the pod, hoping she may see something he's overlooked. She is unable to notice anything that could help release him, but Rush decides to end his diagnostic, releasing Brody from the pod. Rush is intrigued by the data he collected.

Varro and Greer continue the search, having deduced that the additional creatures are the first one's children. TJ manages to repair her radio and signals Greer, giving him the location of the creature's lair. Greer insists on going to rescue them, giving Varro a brick of C4 to create a diversion.

The second adult creature returns to its lair before Greer arrives. It observes TJ and Reynolds, as well as the fire TJ has made. Greer comes in, ready to shoot, but TJ stops him. The creature seems to recognize that they're intelligent, which is why it hasn't killed them. Greer has them move away, then lowers his gun to show he's not hostile. They meet up with Varro outside, who managed to escape the young ones unharmed. As they head back to the gate, they come across one of the deer-like creatures.

On the ship, TJ meets with Varro to inform him that he'll be able to roam the ship freely. Greer put in a good word for him with Young, though Varro is sure he'll deny it if questioned. She apologizes for the loss of his team, but assures him he has a place among the crew. He tries to kiss her, but a knock on the door interrupts him. Young enters, having come to get Varro to help prepare the meat from the deer. As they leaves, he checks with TJ to make sure she's alright.

Volker heads for the infirmary with a small handful of flowers, only to find Greer intimately checking up on Park (their relationship previously hinted during a keno episode). He gives up on the attempt. Meanwhile, the meat from the deer-like creature is served to the ecstatic crew.

Background notes

  • Goof: As before in "Malice" the G36 sight is simplified to a relatively primitive cross hair. Moreover, when Greer takes aim, he looks through the top sight which in reality is a red dot, or reflex, sight. The optical sight is at the bottom.


