
The Dukes of Hazzard was a popular television series on Earth.

While visiting his parents' house in 2007, Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell referred to Vala Mal Doran as Daisy because of her jean shorts. (SG1: "Bounty")

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Television series
Abbott and CostelloAdam-12ALFBarney MillerBatmanCaptain MarvelDancing with the StarsThe Dukes of HazzardERFarscapeThe FugitiveFuturamaGilligan's IslandHappy DaysHardy BoysThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the GalaxyI Love LucyJeopardy!Kung FuLet's Make a DealThe Love BoatMacGyverOne Life to LiveThe Outer LimitsPoochinskyPunk'dThe Rocky and Bullwinkle ShowSaturday Night LiveScooby-DooSeinfeldSesame StreetThe SimpsonsThe Six Million Dollar ManSouth ParkSpeed RacerStar TrekStarsky and HutchSurvivorThe Three StoogesThe Twilight ZoneWormhole X-Treme!The X-FilesXena