
I think it's absurd to consider this gate to be truly bigger. It does not make sense technically, and it's taking O'neill's words down to the letter. At best, the ring may be less large, but the event horizon should in all logic be of the same diameter on all stargates, to avoid compatibility issues. This article is way too categorical and could prove problematic and deceitful for anyone trying to obtain reliable information. --Mister Oragahn 02:24, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

Apparently you don't remember the episode where they connect a normal gate to a supergate. (The Pegasus Project) "It is even possible — though difficult — to connect a wormhole from a standard Stargate to a Supergate." It's been a while since I've seen it, but I believe what O'neill said was "Our's is bigger.." To my knowledge, a wormhole is not necessarily selective about the size of the gateway around it's exit, so I see no reason that a normal stargate can't connect to a smaller one, custom one. 02:55, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
Also, Orlin's Mini Stargate. 07:21, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

Two small things to add. One is that they do not say that Nox helped them construct the gate, all they do say is that the Nox devsed a way of getting them home. This could have involed a number of things, such as a Starship(Nox, which may or may not exist) taking them to Tollana, the Tollan's contructing their own Stargate(possibly a signal from the Nox explaining a part of the construction of the gate), and the Nox sending Narim and everyone back through it, or sending the people to a world relatively close to Tollana, that has a gate, and being picked up by a Tollan Starship. The line that they devised a way of getting them home was not stated sopecifically when it came to the Stargate
Also, second point, the Stargate size may not be refering to the actual size of the wormhole, it may instead be a reference to the thickness of the actual gate, the bulkiness of it, and all of that. When you look at the Tollan gate, it is very thin, they may have cut down a lot on all the extraneous parts of the gate, perhaps creating it out of something other then Naquada. Perhaps one reason the Stargate was destroyed in during Tanith/Anubis's attack on Tollana, it was not as thick or made of the same material, so it wasnt as tough. 21:12, January 15, 2010 (UTC)

Let's not forget that Orlin's mini-gate is proportionally smaller than the three Ancient stargate models as well as the Tollan stargate which appears to be roughly the same diameter just less physically thick and bulky. As the previous comment states, the wormhole and the overall function of the stargate likely isn't completely dependant on the size of the aperture in which it functions. Although, it would probably be a very very bad idea for an object larger than the smaller gate to pass through...which is likely why it is difficult to connect without bypassing safety protocols which the Tau'ri made custom DHD is entirely capable of and have demonstrated in the past on a couple occasions.
As well as the light metalic color of the Tollan gate and their heavy use of Trinium alloys in their technology might suggest their stargate is mostly made out of that metal. It is likely not made with a naquadah alloy that would be capable of absorbing tremendous ammounts of energy or surviving heavy weapons fire or a ship crashing into it, unlike the latest two generations of ancient stargates. It is possible the Tollan stargate may even be more fragile than the early stargates that are obviously not made with naquadah considering a strong enough particle beam weapon was capable of blasting a chunk right off one of those. But this is just guesswork. There is not much to support those thoughts other than observation and considering the possibility.Ad infinitum et ultra! (talk) (Contribs) 02:18, January 23, 2016 (UTC)