
Is it "Grace under Pressure" or "Grace Under Pressure"? Peter R 17:59, 7 Jan 2006 (UTC)

Whale noises[]

Is it just me or are the whale sound effects recycled from the movie Star Trek The Voyage Home?

Removing Submarine Goof[]

Hello, I noticed the following goof claim from the article:

If the Puddle Jumpers fall under the same rules as a submarine they would have to decompress slowly before coming back to the surface or die from the Bends (rapid depressurization). This would take more time than they had available with their limited power supply. This was skillfully avoided by the ending of the episode.

Depressurization would be a problem if the rescue Jumper wasn't shielded or could not maintain an internal environment. To my knowledge, it's not even a problem for submarines since they have a hull which allows the interior to be kept at atmospheric pressure by life-support systems. In fact, the only area where decompression sickness is a problem is diving. Considering how light-weight the purported goof is, I've removed it from the article. If you think the goof actually has valid reasoning, feel free to reply. --RAN1 (talk) 02:43, August 22, 2013 (UTC)

Assuming Lantea has viable conditions for humans (gravitational constant, ambient pressure close to ours) the total water pressure would be close to 37 bars at 1200ft, with about 1 bar in the jumper. In order to significantly slow the water rising, one would have to alter the pressure differential accordingly. So even to slow the rate of water flowing in by 10%, internal pressure would have to be 4,6 bars. As he steps into the forcefield he would decompress instantly. With that much decompression, he would probably suffer severely inflammated joints. Considering he was quite happy it was probably more of a difference. If you do something like that once, your body is probably going to "let you off with a warning", though 19:52, July 8, 2014 (UTC)

Asgard beaming[]

  • Despite Griffin being a Daedalus crewmember thus indicating the Daedalus is close by, the idea of beaming McKay and Griffin out is never discussed.
    • Asgard beaming technology has difficulty beaming through large amounts of matter, as seen in Avalon, Part 2.
    • It is also possible that Griffin transferred to Atlantis from Daedalus but hadn’t had his uniform updated, we have seen this in other episodes.
    • It is surprising that no one had considered the possibility of having Asgard beaming equipment installed into Atlantis itself for just such emergencies. Although it is possible that the equipment would have to be procured directly from the Asgard who might not have one immediately available to give to the humans or be able to spare an Asgard technician to help install it.

When did we see that about Asgard beaming in Avalon, Part 2??? If you mean getting into the Avalon caves, that was because it was shielded against beaming technology and only the rings worked because there was a set down there.--WarGrowlmon18 (talk) (Contribs) 15:52, October 15, 2018 (UTC)
