
If only the latest asgard tech and ori tech are the only ones comparable to the ancient tech, then does that mean that if the Ancients never ascended or died, then they would hav surpassed the asgard in any way?—Tau'ri 21300 00:19, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

The Ancient technology is still mostly superior to that of the Asgard even millennia after they ascended. So if the Ancients were still developing new technologies for all that time then it's likely they would be far in advance of the Asgard now. However, it's been shown that certain species can technologically advance far faster than others (the Tollan were able to overtake the Goa'uld in a relatively short amount of time) so it's possible the Asgard could have been more advanced eventually. We really don't have enough information to say for sure. 03:34, July 12, 2010 (UTC)

they most likely would have NOT, why? because asgard have far more potential than the ancient, ill exlpain:
the asgard are 100000 years old, the anceints are 50millions or very possibly even more, yet the technology of the asgard either matches or surpess that of the ancients.
if the ancient would have survived, they would have most likely help the asgard defeat the replicators, and both the anceint and asgard would have lived on and advanced, and as i said the asgard have far greater potential, and they would still be about equal to that of the anceints, or atleast would be after some more years.
Firstly we have to remember that the Ancients are still around - they are ascended and have a knowledge of technology and the universe which surpasses anything the Asgard could ever learn - it has been stated that the Asgard could not ascend, at least not without the help of the ascended Ancients. Secondly, the Ancients were a tiny group in Pegasus and so anything they did or did not invent there is not really indicitive of what they would have achieved had their civilization remained intact (ie. no plague). Thirdly, after they got more evolved brains and had another few hundred or thousand years after Pegasus, their knowledge was beyond the Asgard in more ways than even the Asgard could imagine. Thor said that they had only scratched the surface of a repository which was practically infinate - a repository built before the ascension of at least the group of Ancients who built it. Besides - even though the Ancient's "Standard technologies" may be only slightly superior to the Asgard (though most of those are weapons which the Ancients didn't need to research until the hundred-or-so year war in pegasus), the Ancients have "Super technologies" like the Dakara Superweapon and the Replicator Disruptor and the Ark of Truth and the Ascension Device and various others which are way beyond anything the Asgard could conjure up. Sman789 (talk) (Contribs) 15:28, August 12, 2010 (UTC)
Also, if I may add my own little theory here - I think that the Asgard are Ancients anyway. Just a group that split off from the real Ancients sometime before Pegasus. It explains why they (at least in their early form) look so human (so far all seen humans have been either Ancients or of Ancient creation), and why they posessed advanced technology so early on compared to other races - especially as they must have had intergalactic engine technology many thousands of years ago. This would mean that they didn't advance any faster than the Ancients, they just persued a different type of technology (cloning) as their primary goal. Sman789 (talk) (Contribs) 15:58, August 12, 2010 (UTC)
you know what, you right.. good for you, ancient are the bestttttttttt wowowowowowowo,,,,,,,
The Vanir have enough technology to need their own tech page

Armoured Exoskeleton, Vanir Elevator, Plasma Pistol, Laser Force Field, Vanir Cloning, Vanir Shields, Vanir Energy Weapon(As in ship mounted cannons), Vanir Hyperdrive(Is mentioned on the group page as I am aware)

etc etc etc They have more than the Travelers do ;)--Jnadreth (talk) (Contribs) 21:27, November 22, 2009 (UTC)

Vanir Hyperdrives and shields are better suited on the umbrella hyperdrive and shield articles. Vanir cloning is basically Asgard cloning and can be covered on an umbrella Cloning article. Vanir starship weapons are better suited to go on the Vanir spaceship page... as is the Lazer force field... as they are both part of the ship itself. These things that I have mentioned are not important enough and not enough is known about them to justify creating an article for them. They would contain too little info and make way for much speculation.—Anubis 10545 (talk) (Contribs) 23:20, November 22, 2009 (UTC)
I have, however, created a category specifically for Vanir technology.—Anubis 10545 (talk) (Contribs) 23:24, November 22, 2009 (UTC)