
"And I am T'akaya. We are honored by the names your forefathers have given us."

T'akaya is a female Neraida leader who posed as the spirits of a tribe of Salish humans living on PXY-887. She appears to be the second in command and, when in the presence of the Salish, taking the form of a wolf.



"Is that what you believe we do? When we removed the Goa'uld from our planet a millennia ago, we adapted our form to those of the Salish spirits so that we could protect and coexist along side them in harmony, without interfering in their natural evolution…and now, because of you, that harmony has been broken."
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During a visit to Stargate Command, Tonane is made aware of the spirits' true nature, and an agreement is made between Xe'ls and Tonane that the spirits will show themselves to the Salish in their true form from now on. (SG1: "Spirits")



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 (SG1: "Spirits")

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Individuals PuckT'akayaUnnamed NeraidaXe'ls
Planets PXY-887
Terms "Spirit"