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Stargate SG-1: The Power Behind the Throne is a novel by Fandemonium, whichn was written by Steven Savile. It is the first novel in the The Iblis Trilogy.

Publishers Summary[]

The enemy within...

When the Tok'ra ask SG-1 to save a tortured creature from the clutches of Apophis, how can they refuse? But the Mujina is no ordinary being - devoid of face or form, it draws its identity from those around it. All things to all people, it is a creature with terrible potential - for both good and evil.

Their pursuit of the Mujina takes the team to a nightmarish world where human wickedness is at its worst - and there, the creature finds its home. Captured by the ethnically pure Corvani, Colonel O'Neill's team must confront the planet's insane leader, the Raven King, as well as a more familiar and insidious enemy.

In this gripping adventure, award-winning author Steven Savile takes SG-1 on an unforgettable journey into the heart of darkness…

Authors Summary[]

The Stargate slams shut on Tok'ra operative Nyren Var as she seeks to flee to the safety of Cheyenne Mountain. She had been searching for a weapon unlike any other: an archetypal creature known as Mujina. The Mujina can be all things to all people, hero, villain or mentor, as it taps in to our heart's true desires. The Ancients knew that in the wrong hands it could be devastating so they banished the creature to Vasaveda, a prison planet. But with the Tok'ra dead, and all evidence suggesting she was murdered by the Goa'uld, O'Neill, Sam Carter, Daniel Jackson and Teal'c find themselves stepping through the Stargate in a race against time to find Mujina. But this is no simple exfiltration. In Stargate: The Power Behind The Throne, when the Stargate fails during the leap home they're left for dead... and that's when the story truly begins.

Chronological Placement[]

The events depicted in this adventure take place during season five of Stargate SG-1.

Publishers Extract[]

An extract from chapter 12:

Teal’c roared.

Fifty feet from the gate the blue water of the event horizon ripped out of the aperture. The way home was open. O’Neill had done it. Teal’c saw the colonel go down again. The sucking silence that followed was hideous. Then both Carter and Daniel Jackson were yelling — this time the sound was primal and filled with fear for the fallen O’Neill.

Teal’c ducked beneath a wild burst of fire from a Jaffa weapon, and ran, hard, fast, keeping low, his arms and legs pumping. A burning man staggered across his path. The flames consumed him, turning his flesh to blistered sores. Teal’c fired once, putting the Jaffa out of his misery, and was past him. He ran to O’Neill's side and gathered him into his arms. The colonel shuddered once, violently, and opened his eyes. “Go!” he rasped.

“Indeed,” Teal’c said, rising. He watched Daniel Jackson's back disappear through the gate and followed him. “We do not leave men behind, O’Neill. That is the law.”

But O’Neill had lapsed into unconsciousness.


  • Corvani
  • Kelani
  • Kumara

Notes of Interest[]

  • Originally the novel was called Stargate SG-1: Shadows, before it was renamed to avoid confusion with Shadows of the Heart.
  • This novel was the first book of a multi-book series that was decided to remain unpublished.

External links[]

Site Navigation[]

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Stargate StargateRebellionStargate (Junior)RetaliationRetributionReconnaissanceResistance
Stargate SG-1 (Roc Books) Stargate SG-1 (novel)The Price You PayThe First AmendmentThe Morpheus Factor
Stargate SG-1 (Fandemonium) Trial by FireSacrifice MoonA Matter of HonorCity of the GodsThe Cost of HonorSiren SongSurvival of the FittestAlliancesRoswellRelativityThe Barque of HeavenDo No HarmHydraValhallaThe Power Behind the ThroneFour DragonsSunriseTransitionsOceans of DustHeart's DesireThe DriftMoebius SquaredOuroborosTwo RoadsHostile GroundPermafrostMurder at the SGCExileKali's WrathHall of the Two TruthsInsurrectionBehind Enemy LinesFemale of the SpeciesInfiltration
Stargate Atlantis RisingReliquaryThe ChosenHalcyonExogenesisEntanglementCasualties of WarBlood TiesMirror MirrorNightfallAngelusDead EndHunt and RunDeath GameBrimstoneHomecomingThe LostAllegianceThe FuriesSecretsInheritorsUnascendedThe Third PathLost QueenThe Wild BlueFrom the DepthsPride of the Genii
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Stargate Universe Air
Foreign Language Das BündnisDer Feind meines FeindesJagd ins UngewisseKinder der GötterKreuzwege der ZeitLe Marteau de ThorLes RéfugiésTödlicher VerratUnsichtbare Feinde
Unpublished My Enemy's EnemyShadows of the HeartMysteries of EmergePortals of DiscoveryThe Internal DarknessConsequencesTricksterThe Many and the FewShapeshifter
Novel series Stargate Atlantis: LegacyStargate SG-1: ApocalypseTravelers' Tales
Publishers FandemoniumRoc BooksBurgschmiet VerlagJ'ai LuPenguin