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Stargate SG-1: Four Dragons is a novel written by Diana Dru Botsford and published by Fandemonium.

Publishers Summary[]

Stargate SG-1 Four Dragons promo

The promotional cover for Four Dragons.

War games…

It was meant to be a soft mission, something to ease Doctor Daniel Jackson back into things after his time among the Ancients - after all, what could possibly go wrong on a simple survey of ancient Chinese ruins? As it turns out, a whole lot.

After accidentally activating a Goa'uld transport ring, Daniel finds himself the prisoner of Lord Yu, the capricious Goa'uld System Lord. Meanwhile, SG-1's efforts to rescue their friend are hampered by a representative of the Chinese government with an agenda of his own to follow - and a deep secret to hide.

But Colonel Jack O'Neill is in no mood for delay. He'll go to any lengths to get Daniel back - even if it means ignoring protocol and taking matters into his own hands...

Chronological Placement[]

The events depicted in this adventure take place during season seven of Stargate SG-1, after the events in the episode Orpheus.

Publishers Extract[]

An extract from chapter 4:

Unable to stand, unable to sit, Daniel hung from handcuffs latched to the top and side of a barely four-foot high cage. He tried to shift his weight, crouching in an awkward position that did little to stop the aches in his shoulders and thighs.

He'd heard about cages like this one. Communist China allegedly used them to torture political prisoners. After a few days, the victim's legs would become swollen. In severe cases, necrosis can happen to feet, ankles and legs. Usually, the cages were set outdoors, exposing the prisoner to the elements.

In Daniel's case, the cage was set just outside the door to Yu's throne room.

So much for scoping out an escape route.

He closed his eyes, exhausted. Other than a short nap in a cell on Yu's mothership, he hadn't slept in...

Daniel wasn't sure how long it'd been. More importantly, he had no idea if Jack, Sam, or Teal’c had any idea where he was...

External links[]

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Stargate StargateRebellionStargate (Junior)RetaliationRetributionReconnaissanceResistance
Stargate SG-1 (Roc Books) Stargate SG-1 (novel)The Price You PayThe First AmendmentThe Morpheus Factor
Stargate SG-1 (Fandemonium) Trial by FireSacrifice MoonA Matter of HonorCity of the GodsThe Cost of HonorSiren SongSurvival of the FittestAlliancesRoswellRelativityThe Barque of HeavenDo No HarmHydraValhallaThe Power Behind the ThroneFour DragonsSunriseTransitionsOceans of DustHeart's DesireThe DriftMoebius SquaredOuroborosTwo RoadsHostile GroundPermafrostMurder at the SGCExileKali's WrathHall of the Two TruthsInsurrectionBehind Enemy LinesFemale of the SpeciesInfiltration
Stargate Atlantis RisingReliquaryThe ChosenHalcyonExogenesisEntanglementCasualties of WarBlood TiesMirror MirrorNightfallAngelusDead EndHunt and RunDeath GameBrimstoneHomecomingThe LostAllegianceThe FuriesSecretsInheritorsUnascendedThe Third PathLost QueenThe Wild BlueFrom the DepthsPride of the Genii
SG-1 / Atlantis Anthologies Far HorizonsPoints of OriginHomeworlds
Stargate Universe Air
Foreign Language Das BündnisDer Feind meines FeindesJagd ins UngewisseKinder der GötterKreuzwege der ZeitLe Marteau de ThorLes RéfugiésTödlicher VerratUnsichtbare Feinde
Unpublished My Enemy's EnemyShadows of the HeartMysteries of EmergePortals of DiscoveryThe Internal DarknessConsequencesTricksterThe Many and the FewShapeshifter
Novel series Stargate Atlantis: LegacyStargate SG-1: ApocalypseTravelers' Tales
Publishers FandemoniumRoc BooksBurgschmiet VerlagJ'ai LuPenguin