This article is about Wyvern Gaming's Stargate Roleplaying Game rulebook. For Alderac Entertainment Group's Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game rulebook, see Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game. |
The Stargate Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook is the main rulebook for the Stargate Roleplaying Game. The PDF was released by Wyvern Gaming on July 18th 2021.[1]
The rule system is based on the D&D 5th Edition Open Gaming License.[2]
The core rulebook for Wyvern Gaming's Stargate Roleplaying Game contains information on general game rules and history. It informs players how to be able to create a character. Races include Human, Tok'ra, Jaffa, Aturen, and Unas. Classes are diplomat, engineer, medic, scientist, scout and soldier.
The book has various rules to cover different types of encounters with players, which include; action, convince, infiltration, interrogation, traversal, research and development, and the diplomatic function.
Lore includes the rise of the System Lords, the Stargate Program and a history of major events since Stargate Command's inception. Phoenix Site's founding, its operational procedures, its flagship team, Phoenix-1, and its coalition allies. There's information on the Phoenix Alliance, the HOME initiative, the town of Haven and its council members. The ASH Archive and notes on various artifacts they have. It includes intelligence on the Goa'uld, both established and new, as well as other hostile races. There's also information on planets, known and new.
- A'bebe
- A'tir
- A'tir's father
- A'tir's mother
- Natisha Abara
- Abombwe
- Amaterasu
- Anubis
- Apophis
- Sarah Aronow
- Asherlok
- Ashtoreth
- Ashtoreth's father
- Astrid
- Azuma
- Ba'al
- Badb
- Nicholas Ballard
- Bara
- Bastet
- Jared Bell
- Belogog
- Beltan
- Bentax
- Ber'id
- Bervell
- Borren
- Bra'tac of Chulak
- Bythal
- Calder
- Calypso
- Jacob Carter
- Samantha Carter
- Centeotl
- Chaka
- Charlie
- Chernobog
- Circe
- Cronus
- Cuchulainn
- Dagda
- Danos
- Danu
- Danvers
- Donar
- Egeria
- Michael Emmen
- Roberta Emmen
- Enki
- Ephadria
- Eresjkigal
- Frigga
- Gebara
- Goa'uld Queen (Core Rulebook)
- Guggenheim
- Gnuten
- Hachiman
- Hadra
- Hale
- George S. Hammond
- Ian Hardin
- Harlan
- Jerry Harper
- Norman Walter Davis Harriman
- Hatana
- Hedrazar
- Heim
- Hekate
- Helene
- Henare
- Heru'ur
- Honored Father
- Hunzuu
- Ianos
- Iantha
- Idun
- Inanna
- Isis
- Itzamna
- Daniel Jackson
- Choi Jil
- Johansen
- Jolinar of Malkshur
- Kaiael
- Kailee
- Kali
- Kalira
- Kallos
- Kambra
- Kasuf
- Ashlee Kelley
- Ashlee Kelley's father
- Ashlee Kelley's mother
- Konietz'akar
- Kukhet
- Kulera
- Kurser
- Kushu
- Catherine Langford
- Paul Langford
- Lanni
- Láoyè
- Layton
- Lord of Salt Waters
- Lotoda
- P.K. Loyer
- Maste
- McBryer
- Meredith Rodney McKay
- Melosha
- Morrigan
- Morrigan's Prime
- Muta
- Myrmrah
- Nephele
- Nergal
- Nirrti
- Nut
- Noilus
- Jonathan J. O'Neill
- Odudawa
- Odysseus
- Olokun
- Onesh
- Oringo
- Orion
- Osiris
- Oya
- Oya's First Prime
- Palila
- Pelops
- Penelope
- Phaedra
- Polonius
- Priam
- Jonas Quinn
- Ra
- Rabanni
- Ragartha
- Raktor
- Selena Rodriguez
- Roham
- Abraham Ross
- Rr'nah
- Rubitsky
- Ry'anne
- Saha'le
- Sarlosh
- Selmak
- Sha're
- Shifu
- Shiva
- Sonata
- Sokar
- Sonequa
- Caedus Starhawk
- Sulo
- Svarog
- Tadaaki
- Teal'c of Chulak
- Thekkarumbar
- Thor
- Thoth
- Tiana
- Tolii
- Tuplo
- Unnamed Altairan android
- Unnamed damaged Altairan android
- Unnamed Tok'ra Operative
- Valis
- Vinze
- Vish'nrah
- Wepwawet
- Wey'lar
- Yu-huang Shang Ti
- Zipacna
- Zirstyr
- Abydos
- Abzu
- Argos
- Aschen Prime
- Asherlok's homeworld
- Aturen system
- Avaris
- Blue
- Boreas
- Cimmeria
- Connachta
- Dakara
- Earth
- Eëa
- Enkara
- Euronda
- Fensalir
- Gamekeeper's homeworld
- Ganzir
- Hebridan
- Infernos system
- Irkalla
- Langara
- Latona
- Machine world
- Madrona
- Mantalar
- Oannes
- Oceanus
- Orban
- New Euronda
- P1Y-283
- P2X-338
- P2Z-4K3
- P3A-194
- P3R-118
- P3X-265
- P3X-527
- P3X-572
- P3X-762
- P3X-797
- P3X-888
- P4S-325
- P5S-381
- P5X-221
- P6J-813
- P92-616
- Pangar
- Phoenix planet
- Pssk
- Reetalia
- Sargon
- Sekawa
- Tidus
- Tollan
- Tollana
- Ulster
- Verapyr
- Yagosh
- Zarados
- Andari Federation
- Aschen Confederation
- Aturen Parliament
- Committee of Interplanetary Affairs
- Daughters of Penelope
- Enkaran council
- new Enkarans
- Four Great Races
- Great Houses
- Headquarters for Off-world Migration Endeavors
- House Seliniae
- International Traffic in Arms Regulations
- Jaffa Council
- Jaffa Guard
- Aves Guard
- Fel Guard
- Horus Guard
- Iron Guard
- Serpent Guard
- Wolf Guard
- Project Ashurbanipal
- Stargate Program
- Phoenix Alliance
- Rebel Jaffa
- Central Authority of the Reetou
- Reetou Rebel
- Supreme System Lord
- System Lord
- The Pentagon
- Tok'ra Council
- United States Air Force
- United States Army
- United States Marine Corps
- United States Navy
- Urrone
Sentient species[]
- Ancient
- Android
- Asgard
- Aturen
- Eëan
- Fensalirian
- Gadmeer
- Ganzir's people
- Goa'uld
- Jaffa
- Hak'taur
- Harcesis
- Hok'tar
- Human
- Abydonian
- Argosian
- Aschen
- Eurondan
- Cimmerian
- Enkaran
- Hebridian
- Langaran
- Madronan
- Oceani
- Orbanian
- Pangaran
- People of Blue
- People of Machine World
- Residents
- Tau'ri
- African
- American
- Babylonian
- Egyptian
- Canaanite
- Celtic
- Irish
- Israelite
- Korean
- Mayan
- Mesopotamian
- Phoenician
- Puerto Rican
- Roman/Grecian
- Sumerian
- Yoruban
- Tollan
- The Touched
- Untouched
- Ilempiri
- Nox
- Oannes
- Omeyocan
- People of P3X-762
- Reol
- Sekmet
- Serrakin
- Stragoth
- Tok'ra
- Tomb raider
- Tonai
- Unas
- Verakeem
- American Sign Language
- Ancient language
- Asgard language
- Aturen language
- Braille
- Cuneiform
- English
- Goa'uld language
- Grecian
- Latin
- Ogham
- Proto-Akkadian cuneiform
- Singing stone ancient language
- Unas language
- Urrurrash
- Zo
- Zorrash
Weapons and technology[]
- Asgard obelisk
- AT4
- Aturen plasma weapon
- Aturen scanner
- Bentax's cuirass
- Bentax's legendary armor
- Beretta M9
- Binoculars
- Bow
- Brísingamen
- C4
- Camo kit
- Canteen
- Chainmail
- Clak blade
- Climate Protection clothing
- Climbing kit
- Combat tent
- Computer
- Crossbow
- Dial Home Device
- Duct tape
- Engineering kit
- Eye of Balor
- Filtration/Radiation mask
- Flamethrower
- Flashlight
- FN P90 Personal Defense Weapon
- Garage Door Opener
- Gift
- Goa'uld healing device
- Grapple gun
- Grenade
- Grenade launcher
- Guidance flare
- Hand scanner
- Hara'kesh
- Jaffa armor
- Jaffa helmet
- Javelin
- Kara kesh
- Kevlar
- Laser sight
- Leather armor
- M18A1 Claymore mine
- Ma'Tok staff
- Monitoring implant
- Monocular
- Mossberg 500
- MP7A1 Submachine gun
- Naquadah generator
- Pain stick
- Pan-Cultural wardrobe
- Parachute
- Phase device
- Research kit
- Sarcophagus
- Sentinel
- SG Phoenix uniform
- Space suit
- Staff cannon
- Tablet
- Tacluchnatagamuntoron
- Tactical armor
- Tactical helmet
- Tactical vest
- Tok'ra tunnel
- Tranquilizer gun
- Transphase Eradication Rod
- Transportation rings
- Ud'Wat incense
- Unas necklace
- Verakeem shatter blades
- Za'tarc detector
- Za'tarc ring
- Zat'nik'tel
- Zip tie
Science and biology[]
- Argosian relaxation drug
- Blue Sickness
- Blue Sickness inoculation
- Common cold
- Cyanide
- Ebola
- Elio'so paste
- Emergency Viral Response
- Genetic engineering
- Immune system
- Influenza
- Symbiote
- Symbiote pouch
- Tretonin
- Venom
- Apache helicopter
- Asgard mothership
- Asgard science vessel
- Aturen aircraft
- Aturen naval vessel
- Aturen ship
- Cadillac Gage Commando XM706E1
- Death Glider
- F-302 fighter-interceptor
- Field Remote Expeditionary Device
- Fixed-wing commuter plane
- Ha'tak
- Inflatable boat
- Jeep
- Lycanpolis
- M1 Abrams
- Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe
- Motorcycle
- Tel'tak
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Van
- X-301 Interceptor
- X-302 hyperspace fighter
- Abydonian lizard
- Cat
- Dog
- Eel
- Fire locust
- Goat-dog
- Hash'ra parasite
- Horse
- Leech
- Lion
- Mammoth
- Mastadge
- Mutant-raccoon
- Night stalker
- Octopus
- Pa'tash
- Proto-croc
- Rac'ta
- Raven
- Shark
- Snake
- Squirrel
- Tundra beast
- Tyranno Felix
- Velociraptor
- Wolf
- Age of Awakening
- Apple
- Apple crumble
- Apple-peach
- Burrito
- Chocolate
- Creed
- Elio tree
- Fondue
- Fondue Day
- Gambling
- Gold
- Leaf cuisine
- Martial arts
- Massive tree
- Naquadah
- Oa-voa tree
- Phoenix planet shrub
- Prim'ta
- Shameful war
- Theft
- Trinium
- Ud'Wat tree
- Underlord
- Valaway
- It was initially planned to release by GenCon 2020, but was delayed due to the global pandemic.[3] A Kickstarter for the game was successfully run in October 2020.[4]
- Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game - Core Rulebook (Digital PDF Only) on Wyvern Gaming's official Stargate Roleplaying Game website
- Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook on Modiphius US
- Fantasy Grounds - Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game Ruleset on Steam
Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game | Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game • Fantastic Frontiers: Stargate Season 1 • Living Gods: Stargate System Lords • Friends and Foes: Stargate Season 2 • First Steps • One Toe In The Water • Outbreak • The Herilian Agenda |
Stargate Roleplaying Game | Stargate Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook • Groundbreaking • Watershed • A Matter of Fae • Field of Reeds • Where Giants Tread • Prey • In Ruins • Ave Maria • Perfidy • Knowledge is Power • United • Fury • Rise of the Phoenix • Birthplace • Ecology • Mechanicus • Run • The Eyes of the Storm • Catastrophe |
Unpublished | The Stargate SG-1 Adventure Game • Fallout: Stargate Season 3 |