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Stargate Atlantis: From the Depths is a novella written by Amy Griswold and published by Fandemonium set after the events of the Legacy series.

Publishers Summary[]

When the aquatic life on Atlantis' adopted homeworld begins to threaten the city, Colonel Sheppard's team discovers that the creatures are both intelligent and able to communicate.

Another victim of the Ancient scientist, Janus, the squid-like creatures reveal how they were abducted from their own world millennia ago—and demand Atlantis' help to return home. Eager to assist, Sheppard and his team travel to the creature's homeworld only to find its indigenous population hostile to the return of their kinsmen. And, to make matters worse, they discover a Genii salvage operation in the ocean that's not only threatening the creature's habitat but their very survival.

Facing hostility above and below the water, Weir and Sheppard must negotiate a homecoming for their new friends and peace with the Genii before frayed tempers result in a bloody conflict that could destroy them all…


Ancient language, Craden, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Genii, Tatiana Ivanova, Janus, Evan Lorne, William Lynn, Rodney McKay, Davon Minos, Moore (Atlantis), Old Hunter, Puddle Jumper, Ayesha Salawi, John Sheppard, Stripes, Stripes' people, Visnareth Asnivan, Elizabeth Weir, Radek Zelenka

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Stargate SG-1 (Roc Books) Stargate SG-1 (novel)The Price You PayThe First AmendmentThe Morpheus Factor
Stargate SG-1 (Fandemonium) Trial by FireSacrifice MoonA Matter of HonorCity of the GodsThe Cost of HonorSiren SongSurvival of the FittestAlliancesRoswellRelativityThe Barque of HeavenDo No HarmHydraValhallaThe Power Behind the ThroneFour DragonsSunriseTransitionsOceans of DustHeart's DesireThe DriftMoebius SquaredOuroborosTwo RoadsHostile GroundPermafrostMurder at the SGCExileKali's WrathHall of the Two TruthsInsurrectionBehind Enemy LinesFemale of the SpeciesInfiltration
Stargate Atlantis RisingReliquaryThe ChosenHalcyonExogenesisEntanglementCasualties of WarBlood TiesMirror MirrorNightfallAngelusDead EndHunt and RunDeath GameBrimstoneHomecomingThe LostAllegianceThe FuriesSecretsInheritorsUnascendedThe Third PathLost QueenThe Wild BlueFrom the DepthsPride of the Genii
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Foreign Language Das BündnisDer Feind meines FeindesJagd ins UngewisseKinder der GötterKreuzwege der ZeitLe Marteau de ThorLes RéfugiésTödlicher VerratUnsichtbare Feinde
Unpublished My Enemy's EnemyShadows of the HeartMysteries of EmergePortals of DiscoveryThe Internal DarknessConsequencesTricksterThe Many and the FewShapeshifter
Novel series Stargate Atlantis: LegacyStargate SG-1: ApocalypseTravelers' Tales
Publishers FandemoniumRoc BooksBurgschmiet VerlagJ'ai LuPenguin