The Skirmish on the Mobile drilling platform was an event that took place in 2007 during the Tau'ri-Wraith war.
Lt. Colonel John Sheppard, his team, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and a team of scientists head to a Mobile drilling platform that they learned the existence of and location of from Atlantis' database.[3]
Once there they get to work on setting it up, but Teyla senses a Wraith presence nearby. She tries to connect with the mind of the Wraith, but after she wakes up claims she was wrong and that there was no Wraith nearby. But it is revealed that she is under the control of the Wraith in question and she sabotages the drilling platform's systems before being released from the Wraith's control. Meanwhile, the Wraith arrives and it is revealed that it is in fact a Queen. She tries to fly the Puddle Jumper, but can't as she doesn't posses the Ancient Technology Activation gene and she feeds on one of the scientists that comes to the Jumper but first forces him to call Sheppard. When Sheppard arrives she tries to force him to fly the Jumper, but Ronon Dex takes a shot at her and misses, hitting the Jumper's window and blasting it out, releasing ocean water into the drilling platform. McKay activates the emergency force fields to prevent the water from getting too far into the base, but the force of the water knocks out Sheppard, Ronon and the queen who they capture after waking up. The queen won't tell them anything beyond "you are all going to die" so Teyla connects with her mind again and finds out her past: she was the queen of a great alliance of Wraith who led the first wave of the attack on Atlantis during the siege 10,000 years before. Her Wraith cruiser was shot down but survived intact on the ocean floor of Lantea for 10,000 years with the queen surviving by feeding on her own crew until she was all that was left of it and went into hibernation waiting for a rescue that would never come. She woke up once she sensed Teyla's presence and swam over underwater as it wasn't far and tried to take the Puddle Jumper, but needed Sheppard to fly it. Teyla learns that before she left the cruiser, she set the self-destruct which would cause an eruption as they are on thin crust which would destroy both the drilling platform and Atlantis. Sheppard and McKay take two Ancient pressure suits and walk underwater to the cruiser where they attempt to deactivate the self-destruct but discover that they need a command code. Teyla decides to connect with her mind in an attempt to get the command code, but the queen gains control and forces Teyla to release her, but before she can feed on her she reads Teyla's mind and discovers Sheppard and McKay were able to fix the cruiser and plan to fly it to the mainland so it can detonate safely. She leaves Teyla alone and swims back to her cruiser where she confirms with Sheppard that it can fly than deactivates the self-destruct. As she goes to feed on him, McKay empties a FN P90 Personal Defense Weapon into her back, weakening her but not killing her. She turns on him but Sheppard unloads his pistol into her back finishing her off.[3]
With her death Teyla can no longer sense the Wraith meaning she was the only one. Its revealed that Teyla tricked the Wraith Queen into believing that the ship had been repaired in order to get her to deactivate the self-destruct which then allowed McKay and Sheppard to kill her. They manage to get the radio back online and contact Atlantis who sends a Rescue Jumper.[3]