
Shinolon forest is a forest on Atura.


When Aturen's Great Houses went to war, the Shameful war ended with a fusion warhead detonated above the forest. Ten square miles of terrain was destroyed in an instant, and caused forest fires that destroyed hundreds of miles in every direction from the blast. The skies filled with ash. The Aturen armies realized they had gone too far and ordered a cease-fire to deal with the ecological calamity. Thousands of square miles were devastated from the fires.

When the war ended, the Nox used their technology to cure the land from the fallout of the weapon. Life eventually returned to the continent except for a small section known as the Great Shame. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

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Individuals HatanaHonored FatherKaileeKuleraPrime Minister of AturaSonequaCaedus StarhawkElara Tydel
Planets AturaAturen systemPhoenix planetPXY-787
Technology Aturen aircraftAturen armorAturen computerAturen naval vesselAturen plasma weaponAturen power cellAturen shipAturen scannerElio'so pasteFusion warheadMassive treeTranslatorUd'Wat incense
Terms Age of AwakeningAturen ParliamentCreedElio treeGreat HousesGreat ShameHouse of the DawnHouse of Ground and SeaHouse of LifeHouse of the StarsHouse of Steel and StoneHouse SeliniaeLeaf cuisineNoxian PacifistShameful warTulrakTulrakianUd'Wat tree