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The Setim are a technologically advanced, bipedal coyote-like sentient species, found in humanity's ancient past on the verge of extinction by Ra, who was himself the last surviving member of his own species.


Their world was destroyed due to ecological devastation, and in exchange for a new world acquiesced toward serving as Ra's engineers and scientists; germinating the seeds of his empire. They were betrayed as instead Ra took his ship The Boat Of A Million Years, to a lush planet inhabited by primitives.

Ra strung the Setim along while building his empire, eventually exiling them to a barren world; Before the rebellion flared after tensions reached a tipping point Ra took some hundreds of Setim to populate his species' sole remaining starship, the Boat of a Million Years. They were stored in stasis and the ship hidden away as an ace-in-the-hole against future rebellions by Ra's subjects Setim, human or otherwise. Though ostensibly there as honored guests the Setim knew they were as much hostages for the Setim's good behavior as that honored status.

The hostage gambit did little to stop the rebellion from coming and when it happened Ra ordered Hathor to pacify the Setim when they rebelled against their poor environment, he did not want them driven to extinction, merely pacified. Ra recognized their expertise as useful. Hathor, being prejudiced against the Setim, committed genocide against them, perceiving them as a threat to her and other human leaders' power as they wished to educate the human slaves on Earth and automate their labour with machines. Having no slaves would deprive the humans godlings of their power, hence Hathor's extreme reaction. It was because of this crime that she was put in suspended animation for eight millennia.

Ironically, the Setim who were placed in stasis and survived Hathor's extermination of their species were awoken and led by Hathor herself eight millennia later to crew the ship and begin an attempt to conquer earth and use its population and infrastructure along with Ra's ship, which was more formable than the Ra's Eye style cruisers the Setim and later Ra's humans built, in a bid to later conquer Ra's empire. and secure Hathor's ascendancy. The Setim crew were kept unaware of how much time had passed and Hathor's extermination of their species. they eventually were told such by Daniel Jackson and killed Hathor and destroyed The boat of a million years in exchange for refuge on earth.


The Setim were a highly advanced species whose technology and civilization reached its height when Humans were still painting in caves. They were responsible for all of Ra's technological wonders, (namely the star-craft, energy weapons, and Stargates). All technology, that is, except his personal ship, that was Ra's own species' design. Even then, the Setim quickly mastered and somewhat improved upon what remained of the technology of Ra's original species. And yet still , as further proof of their prowess, the human acolytes of Ptah, the alleged new masters of technology who succeeded the Setim, were referred to as fumblers and students by comparison to their mastery, save perhaps for the example of the godling Ptah himself, who alone was explicitly acknowledged by the Setim themselves as the their equal, though if Ptah had not hoarded his knowledge to maintain the security of his own position and instead spread the learning amongst the humans and other species the humans and other subjects of Ra may well have matched and eventually exceeded the Setim's superior expertise during the their eight thousand year long slumber. But that was not so, with the technology of Ra's empire having been shown to be stagnant throughout the millennia long reign, the technology was as unchangingly timeless as the other aspects, with no effort made to improve or expand upon the Setim's works. (Stargate: Retribution)
