Sergeant 1 (Children of the Gods) was a Technical Sergeant in the United States Air Force who was assigned to Air Force Space Command's Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station in 1997 as a Security Forces specialist. He was killed by Serpent Guards during their abduction of Senior Airman Carol Weterings from Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, which resulted in the reactivating of the Stargate Program and resumption of the Tau'ri-Goa'uld War.

Following the Abydos Mission in 1996 the Stargate Program was inactivated and the Alpha Gate was mothballed. The Embarkation room was seldom visited by officers and enlisted airmen would go there to play poker. In 1997, he, Airman Fryatt, Staff Sergeant McAtee and another Airman, were playing poker with Senior Airman Carol Weterings, who expressed unease about their presence there.
The Stargate activated and a Goa'uld scanning device, sent by the System Lord Apophis to search for a host for his queen Amaunet, emerged through the Stargate. Weterings, despite the warning of her fellow airmen, moved the investigate it and was scanned by the device. Following her scanning, a Goa'uld detachment of Serpent Guards led by Apophis and his First Prime, Teal'c, emerged through the Stargate, capturing Weterings. Fryatt was able to phone the command post to notify them of the incursion, but he and the remaining three Security Forces specialists were killed by staff weapon fire from the Serpent Guards before additional Security Forces could arrive. (SG1: "Children of the Gods")
This section requires expansion |
- Colt M16A3 rifle: To be added
Other equipment[]
- Battle Dress Uniform: To be added