
"The System Lords are no longer. You have become a meaningless coalition that cannot resist the power of my master, Lord Ba'al."

Selkhet was a Goa'uld Underlord of Ba'al, who was sent to the Hasara space station in 2005 to negotiate surrender of the High Council of System Lords and accept Ba'al as the Supreme Commander, however she was killed when Replicators attacked the station.



"Despite your ill will, Lord Ba'al wishes to extend a most generous offer. In exchange for your surrender, Ba'al will allow you to keep your armies and continue to administer your territories under his authority. You will be permitted to live, so long as you bow before him as a Supreme Commander of the entire Goa'uld domain."

In 2005, she was sent to the Hasara space station by her master Ba'al to represent him in coercing the other System Lords into surrender, promising in return that they would be permitted to live and administer their territories as long as they accepted Ba'al as the supreme commander of the entire Goa'uld domain. She was killed when Replicator Carter attacked the station. (SG1: "Reckoning, Part 1")

Behind the scenes[]

  • Though her name is never mentioned in the episode she appears in, it is given in the official screenplay.


Links and navigation[]
