- "Neat."
- ―Rodney McKay, on the true form of the Sekkari[src]
The Sekkari are a extinct humanoid race that distributed devices across the Pegasus galaxy. These "seed carriers" contained the means to begin their evolution again on other worlds, as well as a repository of knowledge to tell the Sekkari descendants everything that once was. They are also the only known silicon-based lifeform in both the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies.
- "Tens of thousands of years ago, a civilization foresaw its end. After millions of years of evolution, the race known as the Sekkari faced extinction. Knowing they couldn't save themselves, they spent their final days creating the means to start over; they built seed carriers, each with a different target world programmed into its navigation system. Worlds that would provide them with the chemical compounds necessary to produce, sustain and develop life. Each seed carrier also held a repository containing the history of the Sekkari people: Their struggles, their achievements, and their mistakes that ultimately led to their own destruction. The seed carriers were outfitted with subspace communicators designed to alert the group once the seeding was successful. Over 50 were launched, none achieved their goal..."
- ―The Sekkari artificial intelligence[src]
Two thousand years before the arrival of Atlantis on M35-117's surface, one of the seed carriers malfunctioned. The Sekkari artificial intelligence aboard the carrier directed it to the planet in the hopes that it would be a good place to begin the life-forming process. However, the planet was not suitable, and the device laid dormant on the floor of the ocean just below the City. That is, until Dr. Rodney McKay piloted a Puddle Jumper out of the underwater Jumper bay during the skirmish with Michael Kenmore and tripped the carrier's sensors. In the following weeks, radiation slowly expanded from the device until contact could be made with the Atlantis expedition. According to the AI all of the others had failed as well and this one was the last hope for the Sekkari race. (SGA: "Remnants")
Discovery by Atlantis expedition[]
In 2008, the Atlantis expedition discovered a Sekkari seed carrier on the ocean floor of the M35-117. It was brought to Atlantis for study, and Dr. Rodney McKay discovered its purpose. The Sekkari artificial intelligence was able to communicate with certain members of the expedition, by means of hallucinations which played on their fears, egos, and sexual desires. Despite at first being very excited by the prospect of the information contained within the seed carrier, McKay soon discovered that accessing it would condemn the potential race and mean that they had no hope of evolving on a new planet.
After Vanessa Conrad (a form of the A.I. which appeared to Richard Woolsey) explained the situation, it was decided that the seed carrier would be sent to a planet where the new race could grow and thrive. The Apollo beamed the seed carrier out of Stargate Operations, destined for its new home, but not before the A.I. showed the true form of the Sekkari to the expedition. (SGA: "Remnants")
Very little is known about the technology of the Sekkari people, except that they possess advanced A.I. technology, far beyond that of most known non-synthetic species, although no more advanced than the technology of Togar and subspace transmitters capable of relaying data over significant distances, and at least some space flight capabilities, although there was no mention of hyperspace capabilities. With so little information it is impossible the determine the true level of advancement of the Sekkari. Although based on the Seed Carrier, Dr. Rodney McKay believed them to be "highly advanced." (SGA: "Remnants")
Seed Carrier[]
- Main article: Sekkari seed carrier
- "That is the historical, scientific and technological records of an extinct civilization, and if this device is any indication, a highly advanced one at that."
- ―Rodney McKay about the seed carrier[src]
The Sekkari seed carriers and their contents are all that is left of the Sekkari civilization, but are meant to remedy that fact. Realizing that the Sekkari would not be able to continue as a race, they spent what time they had left building and launching 50 of these devices into the Pegasus galaxy. They were designed to find suitable planets on which to "seed" with organisms that would evolve into a sentient race, and therefore life for the Sekkari could start again. Inside each carrier is all the knowledge of the Sekkari, including medical breakthroughs, information on what caused the Sekkari extinction, and the chemical building blocks of a silicon based life form. Once the new species had evolved enough to comprehend the device, they would then benefit from all the knowledge left for them inside the device by their ancestors. However, it only works in one order. Life must be seeded before the Sekkari database is accessed, as doing so causes irreparable damage to the biological aspect of the carrier. The device also emits low levels of radiation as a means of communicating via an Artificial Intelligence. (SGA: "Remnants")
Sekkari AI[]
- Main article: Sekkari artificial intelligence
A Sekkari Artificial Intelligence, or A.I., was programmed into each seed carrier. Its purpose is to ensure the seed carrier finds a suitable world on which to restart the Sekkari species. By means of low levels of radiation, the A.I. was able to scan members of the Atlantis expedition and appear to them in forms that would help communicate to them the situation. Because of the unique nature of the A.I.'s method of interaction, the forms taken are considered hallucinations and can only be seen by the Atlantis personnel to which the A.I. wants to show itself. In addition, the A.I. can manifest itself differently to each person, according to what it wants to achieve. (SGA: "Remnants")
Technology | Sekkari artificial intelligence • Sekkari seed carrier |