Sekhmet's Jaffa helmet
Sekhmet's Jaffa unleashed trailer
"A choice lies before you, Jaffa. Serve me or die."

Sekhmet's Jaffa are Jaffa in the service of the goddess Sekhmet. Their helmet has the shape of a Lion. Sekhmet's Jaffa mark is the aten, which is a solar disk surrounded by uraeus. (SG1: "Unleashed Ep 1")

Her Jaffa also includes some that originally served other Goa'uld, such as Sekhmet's First Prime Khufu, who was originally Amun's First Prime. Sekhmet lied to Amun's Jaffa that she had killed their god and proclaimed that all that was his now belonged to her. She then gave the Jaffa a choice to either serve her or die. Those that didn't leave with her through the Stargate were attacked by her Shades of Sekhmet. (SG1: "Unleashed Ep 2")

She also has at least one Jaffa that has the mark of Ares in her service. (SG1: "Unleashed Ep 1")


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Goa'uld forces
Jaffa Guard AsuraAves GuardBast GuardBrahma GuardCrocodile GuardDragon GuardEmperor's Hand GuardFianna warriorGuard of AgesHorus GuardImperial GuardIron GuardJackal GuardLightning GuardMagi-UchawiNaga GuardNecropolis GuardNinja JaffaOlympian GuardRam GuardRaven GuardRoyal GuardSekhmet's JaffaSerpent GuardSetesh GuardSpartan GuardTa-tanenThunder GuardWarriors of AkkadWolf Guard
Military units and Organizations AshrakCauldron-BornClaws of BastetCrucian knightCrypteiaCult of SokarCursor'vaEye of HathorGoa'uld armyGoa'uld fleetGoa'uld Scout TeamHigh Council of System LordsKullLinvrisMarutMashurNew MindSystem LordSystem Lords Third Battle GroupThe System LordsThe Trust