
Sekh'Pa, designated PX7-539 by the Tau'ri, was a planet in the Milky Way galaxy that was ruled over by the Goa'uld System Lord Anubis.


Due to the massive dynamo manufactured by Anubis and Sekh'Pa's highly conductive mantle, the planet's atmosphere is always charged with low-level electrostatic surges, which causes any source of energy in near orbit to be depleted and inoperable, including Sekh'Pa's Stargate. Sekh'Pa possesses a chilly, yet humid climate, which leads to it being covered in a constant dull curtain of fog. The vegetation that exists is scrubby and sparse, and animal life is similarly stunted. The planet's surface is divided evenly between land and water, with the former being split among three continents. Two of these are roughly equal in size, while the third one is half the size of the former. Fallen Ha'taks dot the surface of Sekh'Pa, with the natives making their homes inside the hulls of the downed ships. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")


Sekh'Pa is a world at the edge of the spatial territory known by both Goa'uld and Jaffa. Despite this fact, Anubis used this world as the capital of his empire (before his defeat). However, after his defeat at the hands of the other System Lords, Sekh'Pa was ravaged in an effort to take as much of Anubis' technology as possible, though Anubis did not allowed for this to happen. In a last action maneuver, Anubis manufactured an enormous dynamo beneath the earth, one that drew electric energy from any source that passed through the orbit of Sekh'Pa's only moon. By doing such an action, Anubis successfully disabled the planet's Stargate. While still being able to send individuals into Sekh'Pa, the DHD required such a great amount of energy to be activated, it could not send them back by normal means. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")

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