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Scar was the name given to a one eyed Wraith that roamed on the planet Halcyon.

He was present during his kinds' war against the Lanteans thousands of years ago, where his Hive-ship was damaged in the battle and forced to crash on a Human world where the Ancients had developed a dolmen-like device- powered by a Zero Point Module- that generated energy waves that weakened the Wraith's natural hostility and rendered them almost docile. Scar and his comrades would go into hibernation, sleeping for centuries until a rescue ship uncovered them, but none came.

One kingdom of Halcyonites discovered the sleeping ship and attempted to use the Wraith within as Hounds, the common shocktroopers in their wars against one another; Hounds were normally Wraith that had been captured during expeditions to other worlds, but the Hive Ship provided an unlimited 'free' supply of Wraith. Although this initially ensured the kingdoms' dominance over the other factions, the deactivation of the hibernation systems after then-Major John Sheppard killed the Wraith Keeper allowed more Wraith to awaken at a faster rate than the Halcyons could cope, one of which was Scar. During his attempt to escape to a Wraith Dart, he would be wounded by the king of the ruling Haylconite domain, which earnt him the name Scar for the deep wound across his eye.

Scar would be deposited in a reserve where wild members of his kind roamed and were hunted by the Humans as sport. Scar, however, was different and of a higher caste, resulting in him retaining enough of his intelligence to become a threat and led a group of his kind against the Halyconites. When Scar encountered the flagship team of the Atlantis Expedition, he saw a way for freeing his kind; having shot Ronon Dex with his gun- unfortunately for Scar, the weapon was only set to stun-, he blackmailed Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard by threatening Teyla's life with the use of a Hound control collar.

Using a Lantean Puddle Jumper, Scar would destroy the Dolmen and free his brethren which began to wreak havoc of Halcyonite society. Subsequently retreating to the Wraith hive ship, Scar took it up into space in an attempt to contact other hives, but he was killed by the Halcyon lord during a final confrontation shortly before the newly-arrived Daedalus destroyed the hive ship, beaming the members of the Atlantis expedition away before the ship was destroyed. (SGA: "Halcyon")

