Abydos sandstorm

A sandstorm approaches the city of Nagada on Abydos

"For the last half an hour the barometric pressure has been dropping and the wind speeds have increased significantly."
Rodney McKay[src]

A sandstorm is a meteorological phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions, which arises when a gust front passes or when the wind force exceeds the threshold value where loose sand and dust are removed from a dry surface.


Sandstorms are commonplace on the planet Abydos. (Stargate) (SG1: "Children of the Gods")

Lt. Colonel John Sheppard has been in a sandstorm on multiple occasions. One such instance being on M35-117 in an alternate future. (SGA: "The Last Man")

When searching for Eli Wallace, MSgt. Ronald Greer, Lt. Matthew Scott and Chloe Armstrong, various members of the Destiny expedition arrived to a planet at that moment affected by harsh sandstorms. (SGU: "Lost")

Instead of arriving on Earth, the alternate Destiny expedition was transported to a planet with constant sandstorms and a thin atmosphere. (SGU: "Epilogue")

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