
Rillaan, designated P3X-775 by the Tau'ri, and called Taldor (or Taldur) occasionally by Stargate Command was a planet in the Milky Way galaxy with a Stargate. The leaders and judicial body of this planet is called the Taldor, and their laws are absolute and decisive.


Long ago, the islands states of Rillaan were engulfed in a civil war. The different states fought the others wielding advanced weaponry. However, things would soon change, as the nation of Sennpo attacked their long-time rivals, the nation of Trywn with an untested weapon. The results devastated Trywn, leaving its surface devoid of life and almost igniting the world's atmosphere, something that would've killed the whole planet instantly.

The remaining leaders of the planet, horrified by the events, immediately called for a truce and created a council they named the Taldor. The Tandoor immediately chose to cut Rillaan from the rest of the galaxy and from the Stargate Network, safe for the prison planet Hadante. (RPG: "Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two")



The Tal'al room of the Taldur.

Every crime, small or big, are punishable. It is, for example, forbidden to aid criminals in any way, something SG-1 discovered when helping Roshure, or to carry weapons on ancient grounds. The trials are swift and frank. The prisoners are gathered and beamed to the Tal'al, which is a large, dark room. Voices all around are telling what their crimes are and then they are sentenced.

The judicial body (Taldor) believe in zero tolerance almost religiously. They do not use death penalty as a punishment, but they do punish nearly every criminal, with no appeals process, to life imprisonment on the planet Hadante. That planet has a Stargate, but no Dial Home Device that can help the prisoners get away.


The world of Rillaan is mainly composed of six large islands that act as the states of the planet. The most devastated of these states is Trywn, as a result of an untested weapon's fallout, and the most militaristically-advanced one being Sennpo. The most prominent of these is Fithran, home to the Taldor cities and the Stargate. There is also the small island of Inntrant. By far the most important characteristic about this planet and its judicial body is their belief in the justice, as explained above. The judicial body believes punctuality is emblematic of civilized behavior. Its members are xenophobic and, as the Tau'ri see them, even arrogant, narrow-minded and self-centered. (RPG: "Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two")

Contact with Earth[]

SG-1 came to Taldur with weapons on their ancient grounds, which was a crime by their standards. They also helped the criminal Roshure, which definitely didn't help their impression on the judicial body. After they broke out of the prison, they also took Linea with them. (SG1: "Prisoners")

Links and navigation[]

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Individuals LineaRoshureScavengerSimianVishnoor
Planets HadanteRillaan
Technology Linea's agitatorLinea's plague
Terms Rillaanian language
Organizations Taldor