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Reetalia, designated P6S-2031 by the Tau'ri, is a planet in the Milky Way galaxy, which held a Stargate and are the homeworld of the Reetou. When the Goa'uld discovered the Reetou, who are 180 degrees out of phase with human perception, the Goa'uld devastated Reetalia and killed many of the Reetou, but a number of them survived. (SG1: "Show and Tell")


Reetalia was a lush and fertile planet, covered in dense jungles and towering rock spires. The largest spires were dominated by beautiful cities that stretched to the stars. When the Goa'uld invaded the planet, they devastated it, with civic towers collapsing and landscapes being blasted and filled with craters. The planet's only remaining city is Xx'ylos. (RPG: "Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two")

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Individuals Ite-khKalakekMother
Planets Reetalia
Technology Cross-phasal explosiveMultiphasic blaster
Terms Central Authority of the ReetouReetou languageReetou Rebel