
"Bastet is still your god!"

Re'nasha, (pronounced Ray-NA-sha), was a female Jaffa and a skilled young warrior, who was loyal to Bastet. She attempted to assassinate Colonel Jack O'Neill.


Around the time of 2002 to 2003, the Jaffa of Khlem were liberated from the Goa'uld Bastet with the assistance of SG-1. Re'nasha was furious that the Jaffa abandoned their god and did whatever she could to convince like-minded Jaffa to help her regain Bastet's good graces.

She was present within the Jaffa delegation to Phoenix Site as a guard. She was angered and frustrated that the meeting with General Philip Kevin Loyer went well, although she attempted to hide her emotions.

Back in Khlem, she attempted to forbid entry to a Phoenix team trying to get into the temple ceremony as she didn't want them possibly foiling her plans. Inside the temple, She joined a group of Jaffa at a table. They ducked when a Shock grenade went off. After which, she and her loyalists rose up and she proclaimed that Bastet was still their god. She ordered the Jaffa to dispatch that Tau'ri's allies, while she attempted to kill Colonel Jack O'Neill. She was killed by either the Phoenix team or O'Neill with his Beretta. (RPG: "Catastrophe")

