
This person was a male Tegalan from the planet Tegalus. During 2006 when Dr. Daniel Jackson was on Tegalus to get the Tegalans to stop using their satellite, he was arrested for helping Jared Kane. After President Nadal gave the order to fire Ori satellite one against Caledonian Federation tried to Commander Goran Pernaux to get him to stop the attack. After Pernaux took his gun and shot Nadal then raised the Rand guard his weapon against Goran Pernaux and shot him.

Jared Kane ordered him to fetch a medical team after he had done so. But the guard did not want to because Pernaux had shot the president. But he went for help to Pernaux. He died when both nations attacked each other after peace talks broke down. (SG1: "Ethon")

Personality and skills

The guard, as well his teammate was confused if listen Nadal's orders (President) or Pernaux (His Military Commander), however unlike his fellow, he shot his Commander after the latter shot Nadal. When he fired, 12 bullets can be hear. Pernaux was shot once in leg and shoulder. Unless this is mistake, the guard is even bad skilled shooter.

Behind the scenes
