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Raktor is an Unas matriarch. Since the Unas are not official members of the Phoenix Alliance, she acts as the unofficial Unas Ambassador on the Council of Haven.


Background information[]

She is a matriarch who is used to her word being law. She doesn't like Emissary Tolii or Councilor Ry'anne due to them having symbiotes. She learned the sign language Phoenix-1 developed with Oringo and she is very fond of a game called Tia. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

Site Navigation[]

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Individuals Big OneChakaKor AsekLarge UnasMutaMyrmrahOringoRaktorRr'nahRuax's Unas HostShy OneUnas (Demons)Unas 1 (Beast of Burden)Unas 1 (Enemy Mine)Unas 2 (Beast of Burden)Unas 2 (Enemy Mine)Unas Elder
Planets Burrock's WorldP3X-403P3X-888Pssk
Terms Clak bladeUnas languageUnas necklaceWarning Pyres