
Radek Zelenka is a scientist from the Czech Republic on the Atlantis Expedition. He and Rodney McKay have preformed miracles with Ancient technology. Gene Therapy for the Ancient Technology Activation Gene failed in Radek. He helped in the release of the retro virus, and served on the Orion during the battle to save Earth.

During that battle he was able to activate the ships drones, destroying one Wraith ship. To activate the drones Zelenka needed to shut down the Orions shields, and was unable to reactivate them to save the Orion from a bombardment from another hive ship.

Alternate realities

  • In an alternate reality Radek Zelenka traveled to Atlantis, while the power began to fail and the city began to be flooded by the ocean. He was radioed by John Sheppard to check out a Puddle jumper different from the others. Zelenka, Sheppard, and Elizabeth Weir were thrown back in time to the siege of Atlantis by the Wraith at the end of the Ancient-Wraith war. They came under attack by a pair of Wraith Darts and were shot down. Zelenka and Sheppard were killed in the crash, but Weir survived. (SGA: "Before I Sleep")


- Můžeš mi dát ty nejnovější data, prosim? Já se s tímhle nemůžu hnout.: Please, could you give me the latest data? I can’t seem to solve this.
- Ne, tak aspoň, aspoň tři mi dej.: No. Give me at least, at least three.
- To je ono, my to máme.: That is it, we have it.

- Ježiši, já s těma hercema nemůžu dělat: Jesus, I can't work with these actors.

- Na dně moře máme „fail safe“ , mechanismus. Obrovskou silou vytrhl kotvu města ze dna oceánu. My jsme.. Zhrozili jsme jsme.. Zhrozili jsme se. Neuveřitelný, co se to děje a ten hluk; celé město se třáslo jako při zemětřesení. To bylo něco neuvěritelnýho. A najednou... se hneme. Celé město stoupalo. Stoupalo nahoru, nahoru k hladině. To, to bylo něco neuveřitelnýho a a a a a věže prorazily hladinu a vyjeli jsme nahoru nahoru a vody, vlny, vodopády, všechno teče z těch vejšek. A my... vystřelili jsme nahoru, úplně, úplně na vršek.. Slunce.... Sluníčko, prostě.... proudilo do všech oken. Do smrti, do smrti na to nezapomenu.:
On the bottom of the sea we have a failsafe mechanism. It pulled up the anchor of the city from the bottom of the sea with great force. We.... we were.... we were scared. That was incredible, what happened? And that noise. The whole city was shaking, it was like an earthquake. That was so incredible. And then we were moving. The whole city was rising. It was rising up, rising up to the ocean surface. It was, it was really incredible and the towers broke through the surface. We were going up. Water, waves, waterfalls were falling down from the heights. And we... we were shot up, right to the top. Sun... just shine... It was shining through all the windows. I'll remember it for the rest of my life... for the rest of my life.
- Drž se, miláčku.: Take care, honey.

-No jo... Tak jo děcka, do toho, jdeme, jdeme, jdeme, musíme tohle dodělat, pojdte už, honem!: Yeah... Okay kids, come on, go go go, we have to finish it, come on, move on!

-Ty vole "Say hi to the kids for me", já ti dám, ty seš takovej vůl.: Damn it, 'Say hi to the kids for me' , you're gonna get it from me, you're such an idiot.

-Do prdele, to je na hovno tohle to, kdo to vymyslel že budeme pod vodou tentokrát?: "For cryin' out loud", this sucks. We're gonna be under water this time - whose idea was that?

-I am trying, do prdele!: "Do prdele!" is a very impolite expression of anger and frustration. It literally means, "into the ass".

- To je frajer teda, to je...: That's a cool guy, heh, that is...
- On letí, on tak krásně letí...: He's flying, he's flying so beautifully...

Měj se.: Take care. (said to Radek by Rod)

Zaplať pánbůh.: Thank goodness.

-I'll have the power off in no time. Ježiš, to je neuvěřitelný, já jsem takovej debil! Si bude myslet, že jsem naprostej idiot. (peeps in) Nó, tak co mně zbejvá, no... Tohleto né...(groaning) Se sem nevejdu...fuj to smrdí! (looks down) Ježišmarija... (looks around) Jéžiš, to snad né...:
I'll have the power off in no time. Jesus, that's unbelievable, I'm SUCH a moron! She'll think I'm a total idiot. (peeps in) Well, what else should I do? No, not this again...(groaning) Don't fit here...ugh, this place stinks! (looks down) Jesus Christ... (looks around) Oh tell me it's not happening!

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