
Puck is a male Neraida, who guards the Minos.


Background information[]

Puck left the Neraida long before they became the protectors of the Salish.

He spent a millennia with Oberon and Titania where they explored existence together.

Centuries ago, Puck, Oberon, and Titania, helped free the Minos from the Goa'uld. Puck developed a serum that would halt the Minos transformation and brought them with him on his travels across the galaxy. He even brought some to Earth, which inspired the myths of the Minotaur. He took these Minos when he left. Puck relocated the remainder of the race to P6H-970.

Puck, Oberon, and Titania, helped William Shakespeare write A Midsummer Night's Dream, and they starred in the first performance of the play.

Titania and Oberon died. Even centuries later, their loss still hurts him. (RPG: "A Matter of Fae")


When Phoenix-1 visited P6H-970, Puck tested them to see if the Tau'ri should be allowed to keep using the Stargate, as they could be both a danger to themselves and others. After they passed his tests, Puck returned them to Phoenix Site.[2]


Puck had kept an eye on Phoenix Site's activities and in 2003, he decided it was time to assist them. When he told the Minos that he was leaving the Court of Athens, a group of Minos insisted on joining him. (RPG: "United")


Puck evolved his Neraida powers and found technology that he was able to integrate into his body, giving him masterful control over illusion, spycraft, and many other skills. One such technology is a vast group of nanites that can project illusion, manipulate objects, capture sound and visual images, and reconstruct living flesh.

With this technology and his own abilities, he has learned to control the Stargate Network and is also capable of moving through the Stargate without activating the gate, which is an enhanced version of his people's natural teleportation ability. (RPG: "A Matter of Fae")


Links and navigation[]

v  e
Individuals PuckT'akayaUnnamed NeraidaXe'ls
Planets PXY-887
Terms "Spirit"