
The villagers of Ver Isca prostrating

Prostration is the ceremony of worshiping in Origin. The gathered humans will kneel face down, while one individual (usually a Prior or a village Administrator) will usually chant verses proclaiming the greatness of the Ori. It is traditional to bring a copy of the Book of Origin. Prostration can last up to six hours. This is the way in which the Ori take power from their human followers. (SG1: "Avalon, Part 2", "Crusade")

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Ori AdriaFlames of Enlightenment
Priors The AdministratorDamarisDociGerakDaniel JacksonPrior (Beachhead)Prior (Counterstrike)Prior (Arthur's Mantle)Prior (P3X-421)Prior 1 (The Ark of Truth)Prior 2 (The Ark of Truth)Prior 3 (The Ark of Truth)Prior (Ver Eger)Prior (Ver Isca)
Followers AdinaThe Administrator's wifeAllonHalstromJadinNursemaidOri commander (Line in the Sand)Ori Commander (The Quest)Ori soldier (The Quest, Part 1)Ori Warrior (The Ark of Truth)TominVillager (Avalon, Part 2)
Technology Adria's pendantAncient crystal power cellAraDial Home DeviceDoci's collar‏‎ • Ori armor‏‎ • Ori control console‏‎ • Ori energy beam weaponOri fighterOri force field • ‏‎Ori helmet‏‎ • Ori power generatorOri pulse weaponOri satelliteOri sensor‏‎ • Ori shield‏‎Ori staff weaponOri stun weaponOri warshipPrior staffPRIOR2 virusR-75SupergateTransportation rings
Terms Ancient contagionBook of OriginDay of ReckoningOri ArmyOriciOriginProstration