
Prisoner cage is a cage that is designed to keep a prisoner left with a conductive grid. The cage can be both locked and unlocked with a Bedrosian rifle. In 2000, the three members of SG-1, Colonel Jack O'Neill, Major Samantha Carter and Doctor Daniel Jackson were captured and imprisoned in three separate cages so that Rigar, the head of the Bedrosian military could personally interrogate them. One of the scientists, Nyan who also assisted Teal'c of Chulak later used a rifle to free Carter with Carter eventually freeing the rest of her team. (SG1: "New Ground")

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Individuals Bedrosian GuardBedrosian MedicBedrosian Soldier 1Bedrosian Soldier 2Bedrosian Soldier 3Bedrosian Soldier 4Bedrosian Soldier 5Bedrosian Soldier 6Bedrosian Soldier 7MallinNyanParcyRigar
Planets P2X-416
Terms Bedrosian-Optrican warBedrosian Central RegistryBook of Nefertum
Technology Bedrosian cannonBedrosian force fieldBedrosian rifleBedrosian syringeBedrosian transport shuttleOptical regeneratorPrisoner cages