
This individual has no known canonical name.  While the information presented is canonical, the individual described lacks an official name, thus the title is conjecture.

"I don't know how he's managing it. According to these readings, the atmosphere inside the field has become toxic."
"Perhaps he has a personal shield of some kind.
Samantha Carter and Teal'c[src]

Prior (Beachhead) was a male Human from the Alteran Home Galaxy and a Prior of the Ori.



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He traveled to the Jaffa planet Kallana and set up a force field around the Stargate to create the first Supergate. When SG-1 and the Prometheus arrived and detonated a Mark IX Naquadria-enhanced nuclear warhead inside the field, he was vaporized, resulting in his death. (SG1: "Beachhead")


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Ori AdriaFlames of Enlightenment
Priors The AdministratorDamarisDociGerakDaniel JacksonPrior (Beachhead)Prior (Counterstrike)Prior (Arthur's Mantle)Prior (P3X-421)Prior 1 (The Ark of Truth)Prior 2 (The Ark of Truth)Prior 3 (The Ark of Truth)Prior (Ver Eger)Prior (Ver Isca)
Followers AdinaThe Administrator's wifeAllonHalstromJadinNursemaidOri commander (Line in the Sand)Ori Commander (The Quest)Ori soldier (The Quest, Part 1)Ori Warrior (The Ark of Truth)TominVillager (Avalon, Part 2)
Technology Adria's pendantAncient crystal power cellAraDial Home DeviceDoci's collar‏‎ • Ori armor‏‎ • Ori control console‏‎ • Ori energy beam weaponOri fighterOri force field • ‏‎Ori helmet‏‎ • Ori power generatorOri pulse weaponOri satelliteOri sensor‏‎ • Ori shield‏‎Ori staff weaponOri stun weaponOri warshipPrior staffPRIOR2 virusR-75SupergateTransportation rings
Terms Ancient contagionBook of OriginDay of ReckoningOri ArmyOriciOriginProstration