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Prey is the sixth episode in the first season of the Living Stargate series published by Wyvern Gaming for the Stargate Roleplaying Game. The episode takes place on February 10 2003, three days before the events seen in Stargate SG-1 "Disclosure".

Publisher's Synopsis[]

Wepwawet is determined to discover the location of the Phoenix Site, as it has become a thorn in his side. He has captured a Phoenix team and is interrogating them for the Phoenix Gate address. Your team is sent to PXY-787 to rescue them, where you must play a deadly cat and mouse game to survive.




Organizations and titles[]

Sentient species[]

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Links and navigation[]

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Roleplaying books
Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying GameFantastic Frontiers: Stargate Season 1Living Gods: Stargate System LordsFriends and Foes: Stargate Season 2First StepsOne Toe In The WaterOutbreakThe Herilian Agenda
Stargate Roleplaying Game Stargate Roleplaying Game: Core RulebookGroundbreakingWatershedA Matter of FaeField of ReedsWhere Giants TreadPreyIn RuinsAve MariaPerfidyKnowledge is PowerUnitedFuryRise of the PhoenixBirthplaceEcologyMechanicusRunThe Eyes of the StormCatastrophe
Unpublished The Stargate SG-1 Adventure GameFallout: Stargate Season 3