
Prenum is a male Genii officer.



When the Atlantis expedition contacted the Genii in 2005, he agreed to meet Dr. Elizabeth Weir on the Genii homeworld to negotiate the use of two of their A-bombs. When she arrived on the planet, she was taken to a room where he questioned her and asked why the Atlantis expedition wanted to use the nuclear weapons. She explained that Atlantis was under siege by the Wraith and that the Genii wanted to test their nuclear weapons on a Wraith Hive Ships, and now had them a chance to test them. Prenum agreed to negotiate. They got some the expedition's C-4 and some of their advanced medicine in exchange for two of the Genii's prototype nuclear weapons. (SGA: "The Siege, Part 2")


This section requires expansion

Other equipment[]

  • Genii Army uniform: To be added


Links and navigation[]

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Genii AthorCowenCradenFaberFortnumGenii Commander (The Brotherhood)Genii Private (The Storm)HaemonHeironIdosKanayoAcastus KolyaLankoArgan LociCassel MassanMikliesDavon MinosPranosPrenumDahlia RadimLadon RadimTassTathalToranTyrusSora TyrusVarelon
Genii outposts Genii homeworldGenii outpostGenii outpost 17Kolya's planetM1K-177M5V-801M6R-867SorthTaadinWorld (Common Ground)
Genii technology Genii A-bombGenii Army uniformGenii communicatorGenii computerGenii explosiveGenii knifeGenii pistolGenii revolverGenii semi-automatic machine gunGenii shotgunGenii taser rodInterface deviceSora Tyrus' knife
Terms Elite GuardGenii Confederation