
"Checking the east pier power distribution centers. Still nothin'. We're headed to the west pier now."
John Sheppard[src]

The Power Distribution Center(s) are large rooms in Atlantis, capable of rerouting power across the city from the main power conduits. There are three known centers: East Pier, West Pier and the Main power room. After it was discovered that The Trust had planted a Bomb on Atlantis, these areas were checked for tampering. (SGA: "Critical Mass")

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Power sources
Altairan power packAncient crystal power cellAncient solar power collectorsAsgard power coreAturen power cellBatteryCauldronCold fusionCold fusion reactor coreContainment chamber roomEye of ApophisEye of Ba'alEye of BalorEye of MardukEye of OsirisEye of RaEye of TiamatEyes of the Goa'uldFission generatorFusionGeneratorGeothermal energyHou Kaingan pearlKi'ai power cellAtlantis lightning rodsLiquid NaquadahAtlantis main power conduitsMain power roomMobile drilling platformNaquadah cellNaquadah generatorNaquadah reactorNaquadriaNaquadria power cellNaquadria reactor coreNeutrino-ion generatorNuclear fusion reactorOri power generatorPilation solar cellPower Booster DevicePower distribution centerProject ArcturusRepulsor-field generatorSection SevenSolar powerStargate power nodeSubspace capacitorSubterranean power gridTelnorran generatorTerra-rootTidal power generation stationWindmillWind powerZero point energyZero Point ModuleZPM HubZPM room