- "He is a genius. He had the idea of trading Tupperware to the Athosians, and the Athosians connected him with all their suppliers."
- ―Dr. Radek Zelenka[src]
Sgt. Pollard is a member of the United States Marine Corps and has been a part of the Atlantis expedition since the second deployment.
Pollard has served in the United States Marine Corps for nearly thirty years. He had arrived on Atlantis right after the Siege of Atlantis on the Daedalus with the expedition's second deployment.
Pollard handles established trade, the regular merchants and deals with everybody who supplies stuff on a weekly and monthly basis. He checks out markets of allies who have them and makes sure the expedition gets what it needs. He also tries to figure out how to cook the stuff the expedition gets and find ways to supplement rations with local fresh food. (SGA: "The Lost")
In 2009, Pollard contemplated retiring to New Athos and being with Osalia and her two teenage boys and twenty-two goats. (SGA: "The Lost")