- "Ah, good, good. Well, come on, better get going."
- ―Dr. Rodney McKay[src]
Phoenix Site's Gate room is an area located on Floor-3 of Phoenix Site.
The Gate Room is where Phoenix Site's stargate is held. The room is equipped with Tok'ra crystals that can detect the presence of symbiotes and Kara keshs. There are also sonic generators to prevent Stragoths from infiltrating. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")
Phoenix Site's Stargate room looks almost identical to the gate room in Cheyenne Mountain, with a few minor differences. (RPG: "Catastrophe")
There's a flight of stairs that lead up to the control room from the gate room. (RPG: "Catastrophe")
There was a Coolant leak in the gate room during Dr. Jason Burg's gate-travel protocol demonstration for Phoenix Site's recruits. (RPG: "Groundbreaking")
After Phoenix-1 passed Puck's tests and talked to him in the Souvlaki Lounge, he used his powers to teleport the team to the gate room.[2] (RPG: "A Matter of Fae")
In February of 2003, Jonas Quinn gated into Phoenix Site after he had been reassigned to help discover and stop the source of the Earthquakes that threatened the infrastructure of the base.[3] (RPG: "In Ruins")
When Dr. Rodney McKay was tasked with recovering the downed Asgard science vessel on P2X-649, he met up with the team that was to accompany him in the gate room and had with him heavy engineering equipment for the mission. Before departing, Zirstyr arrived stating she would accompany them. Loyer let the team decide to bring her along or not.[4] (RPG: "Ave Maria")
In March, when Phoenix Site was facing an attack from the System Lord Wepwawet, several Aturen in armor arrived at the base with Ambassador Hatana and Tiana, before the Goa'uld's forces arrived to help.[5] (RPG: "United")
Later on, the Stargate's Iris opened without warning and Wepwawet's Jaffa invaded the Site. With the gate active, an off-world Phoenix team was unable to get back to the Site. Puck teleported the team, who defeated the Jaffa in the gateroom, then also teleported Jaffa allies, Em'lyn, Bowjin, and other Minos warriors there. Heim closed the iris. Shortly after, more of Wepwawet's forces tried to come through but the iris held. (RPG: "United")
- The gate room could be visually seen in the Phoenix Site tour videos.[6]
Appearances for Phoenix Site's Gate room |